The Kidnapping

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Third person

It was a late night as a car drove through the forest as the radio was on, a women was crying telling how her husband was kidnapped out of no where when driving as the two girls listened in, talking about it..

"How does someone lose their husband, its like how do you get kidnapped in a car when it's only one person" y/n said as she was driving glancing at parker "dude no seriously how do you get kidnapped by one person like how do they stop your car kidnap and then kill you i don't understand" parker said looking at y/n as they approached a dead end sign and a fork in the road "looks like i need to turn right, is this the right way parker?" y/n turned her head to parker making sure it was the right way with her friend to take a small detour
"yea it seems a little off the trail but a little detour didn't hurt anyone, so what's up with you recently you seem off" parker asked feeling worried about her close friend as it was easy to tell when each one of them was feeling off. "i'm fine don't worry just a little on edge something didn't feel right earlier and it's been bugging me" y/n assured Parker as she turned right on the road as they both went quiet just listening to the radio "you know these crimes don't really add up"
y/n commented "i know we were making fun of it but if these stories really are true how did they happen" y/n looked at parker while parker thought "you ain't wrong y/n but they don't add up at all but one thing i know for sure.." parker paused "that lake is going to be a hell of a sight
if it isn't i swear i'm going to strangle xavier" parker laughed slightly looking back at the road as they passed through trees until rose nodded laughing as well "i swear he lies like its his last day on earth" y/n commented turning the radio off and just letting the silence take over.
after a while of silence they saw something in the distance and it definitely did not look human "The hell? is that pig?" Parker exclaimed pointing at a random pig in front of them as y/n stopped the car hitting the brakes hard both of the girls eyes widening "Does it have arms!?" rose exclaimed as she tried to reverse the car it getting stuck in some mud as the car broke down as the pig turned towards them. "what the actual fuck is happening" parker exclaimed as y/n tried turning the car on again "damn it why wont it start!"
Knock Knock
y/n turned her head seeing someone at her window before everything went back as a crash was heard.

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