Foundations Academy

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Chapter #2: Foundations Academy

Lupin flying back to Foundations Academy with the jetpack after taking care of the cringe Duo.

Lupin in mind: [Ever since I was born you've always did look down at me however, but in America was always happiness real happiness and real warmed in in the freedom of this country unlike those fake ass and smiles from Japan..]

Lupin flying to the location of the landing area until he saw one that Headmasters of Foundations Academy, Colonel Alloy a robot or a Droid with Advanced artificial feelings that made him understand human emotions including caring for his Droid kind and also the teacher of strategy class.

Colonel Alloy: that's good to see you son how exactly as your mission..?

Lupin: took care of the cringe Duo, including that simp spy. I kind of fucking broke his neck..

Colonel Alloy: and I'm guessing you have a reason why you broke that spies neck..?

Lupin: with all the respect sir, he's been talking shit about my girlfriend and that really pissed me!!

Colonel Alloy: I see you I guess I can't blame you so at work and head to your door and get some sleep..

Lupin nodded to the colonel and went off to his dorm.

Lupin: finally after it's so much of a weird-ass mission taking care of those two cringe bastards..

Lupin Flim Sakuragi door reached his drom of the number of 210 and opening the door

Lupin: time for me to ge--

Lupin was tracked in the room and dragged into his drom by a certain elephant trunk that is his girlfriend.

Lupin turned around to his girlfriend is a massive Asian elephant with shoulder length blonde hair, wearing a tight pink top and black sweat pants that somehow were able to stretch down to just above her ankles, which also had a pink strip going down the side and her Eliza.

Eliza: Well, it seems you're finally back from your mission..

Lupin: I Take, you can say I took care of the cringe duo.. and if you don't mind, can you gently put on my bed.

Eliza uses her elephant trunk, gently putting down on his bed.

Eliza: it's like an interesting mission on solo. However, I would not say solo with American Soldier went to which you on the mission..

Lupin: All right, that fool isn't returning. After all, he's partying with the other Team Fortress 2 mercenaries from other teams..

Lupin Flim Sakuragi yawning said somewhat of a camera size is shut is one eye of his camera lens.

Elena: Ah, you're tired after your mission. Get some rest, dear. I'll prepare dinner for us later.

Lupin: I'm not really hungry for the time. I'm thinking of getting some rest of the time being..

Eliza: Alright then, take care and get plenty of rest. I'll wake you up when dinner is ready.

Lupin: Thank you, Eliza. I appreciate your concern and support.

With a warm smile, Eliza exited the room, leaving Lupin alone to rest.

Next Day, Lupin Flim Sakuragi sleeping until the alarm went of stretching and yawning.

Lupin: God damn that was one hell of a good sleep. Now I wonder what exactly is for class today...?

Lupin Flim Sakuragi putting on his usual attire for today was heading to Pokemon training class where Headmaster: Professor Sycamore and Teachers: Professor Kukui and Professor Burnet.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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