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We hated Bob, but we love our mother, so me and my brothers all rode with him to get to the hospital, even though it was a bit cramped. Ryder and Andrew had to sit on Cameron's and Justin's laps, so that was funny. Veronica had the other car when she went to the mall with Alexa, which she had to leave there because she was in no state to drive. Bob of course had to get rid of all that blood, which took about forty-five minutes.

We rushed to the hospital and signed in, but they would only let Bob go in to see her, because she was in the middle of birth, and only two people — besides the hospital staff — can be in there when a woman was giving birth, and Alexa was already in there.

But that was fine. I think I can speak for all of my brothers when I say that none of us would want to witness our mother giving birth.

So we sat in the uncomfortable hospital chairs for five fucking hours before a pretty nurse came to retrieve us.

She called out our last name, and we all rushed to stand up.

I read her name tag. Mandy. Where have I heard that name before?

It's probably not important.

My brothers and I were silent, anxiety coursing through our veins, as we followed Mandy to a room, where Bob and Alexa was standing on either side of Mom — who looked dreadful — holding a baby in her arms.

"Is that him?" Cameron asked softly.

Veronica smiled and nodded. She looked tired, but I guess that's probably because she had just pushed a kid out. "Meet your new brother, Noah."



Two days later, and Veronica was discharged from the hospital. I was so happy to have a younger sibling. She wouldn't be able to go back to work for a few weeks, which I was happy because according to them, that means Dad has to work more!

Speaking of Dad, when he showed up to the hospital, he did not look good. It looked as if his face was all beaten up, but he wouldn't tell Veronica what happened when she had asked. And she was busy giving birth, so I see why she hadn't pressed the issue. 

I was curious, too, but I didn't feel bad or worried. It was karma. I was mainly curious on who the hell beat him up like that. None of my brothers seemed to have answers to that, which was fine, I guess.

The entire time Veronica was in the hospital, Dad stayed with her. That was surprising, because trust me when I say that Dad is not the type to do that. It was almost like he didn't want to come home until Veronica did.

But anyway.

Veronica and Dad stepped through the door, with Noah in Veronica's arms.

He was such a cute baby. And I wasn't the youngest anymore, so that was a plus.

I'd still like a sister, though but I feel like Veronica has given birth enough and my dad shouldn't even be a father to three. So there's that... Yeah, I don't need a sister.

Veronica took Noah to the nursery because he was sleeping, and then Veronica went to go lay down. Dad had given me a harsh glare, but he walked by without a single word.

I look beside me where Andrew was standing. His face was into a twisted scowl. It was like that face was for Dad....

None of our other brothers were here. Only Andrew and I waited in the living room for Veronica's return.

"Andy?" I started, my voice soft. "Are you okay?"

Andrew glanced at me. "I know."

I stared at him, confused. He knows? Knows what?

"Can you elaborate, please?" I asked.

Andrew sighed heavily. "I—I know about Dad," he tells me, his voice shaking. "He—I know how he treated you and—and—"

He sounded as if he could cry.

But it all made sense, suddenly.

"And you're why he was on bruised," I recalled, giving him a soft smile. "I—I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"None of you did," Andrew said. "You have all been lying to me, or keeping me in the dark or whatever, and I'm tired of it. It's not just you or our brothers... I'm pretty sure our friends have been doing it too..."

I sigh, starting to bad. "Andy, I'm—"

"Don't Andy me, I'm mad at you."

I blinked. "Huh? You're mad at me?"

"That's what I said, isn't it?" He crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out rather childlike.

I tried not to smile because I knew Andrew was being completely serious.

"Andrew," I started. "I'm sorry. We all shouldn't have kept things from you, I am sorry. I just—I didn't want to burden you, and as for everyone else, you had just woken up. No one wanted to worry or stress you out."

Andrew's face softened. "I—Alexa, fine, but answer me this one question, and I will know if you're being honest."

"Oh, okay, go ahead," I say, wondering what he was about to ask.

"Is there anything I'm still unaware of?"

My heart practically stopped. "Of course not, you're caught up." I force a smile at the end of my lie.

"See! You're still lying to me!" Andrew exclaimed, tears welling in his eyes. "Please, just be honest. Lexi! I've been gone for two years... please, tell me everything. I—I'm your twin and I'm the person that knows the least about what's been going on in your life."

I was about to cry too, seeing Andrew this worked up because of me. I only want him to smile. I don't want him to be sad.

"There's things that no one else knows, " I tell him, trying to comfort him.

"Tell me those things too."


"Please, Lexi. I feel so lost. I know nothing. Please."

I swallow. "Fine, Andy, I'll tell you everything."

And so I did.

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