Chapter Four

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The time had come, it was the countdown for Christmas. The children with Diane were busying themselves on making hot chocolate milk while Arlene prepared the presents underneath the Christmas tree.






"HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!" Both adults were laughing at the children's enthusiasm about this countdown.

"Here, I didn't know if you wanted marshmallow so I only add one" As Diane handed out her mug without making eye contact, Arlene was a bit puzzled at the taller one's action. Just a few hours ago they were lovely dovey to each other. She just brushed it off and spent the rest of the night without worrying about it.

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2 days later

Arlene and her sons are still staying at Diane's house for they'll be there until New Year.

Arlene is in her room alone, the door is locked and her sons are outside the backyard, playing with Tina. She's lying in bed, contemplating what is actually between her and Diane and why were they intimate with each other in the last few days.

She's befuddled, and the same question repeats in her mind, What am I to you? over and over for a few minutes, it's abruptly obtruded when a knock is heard across her room, expunged the silence altogether and a familiar lilting voice is heard.

"Arlene, you've been there for hours, are you okay?". Of course, it was Diane.

She is too lethargic to even stand up and open the door so she just writes on a piece of paper, written in paper.

"I am fine and I need some time alone."

Thereafter jotting it down, she slid it under the door. She heard a slightly clamorous sound of running and it was Diane getting a pen. For about a second, the paper was slid back in again, and Arlene noticed and read it.

"Did I do something wrong? You can respond to this if you're comfortable".

The paper says and of course she is that 'something is wrong'. She's the sole reason why she's in here for hours and enshrouded with confusion. For Pete's sake, she's been here for 3 hours and she decided to not get out of her room for she might see Diane somewhere.

Diane is in the living room, watching some television, passing channels every minute just to pass some time. She looked up to the ceiling and sighed, she's worried about the younger and she has no idea what's with her sudden behavior.

She's reminiscing about the events that happened 2 days ago and she remembered that intimacy between them. She flinched and realized, that perhaps that's why she's been distant from her and she's the whole reason. She groaned in annoyance to herself and the fear that she may be avoided by Arlene for the rest of her life and she'll feel doleful if that ever happens! And that may be probable.

30 minutes later, she dozed off while watching as she was snoring like a baby panda, Arlene walked downstairs to grab something to eat and she heard a sonorous sound coming from the living room, she checked and saw Diane snoring and sleeping, she went upstairs to her room: placed down her snacks, grabbed her red blanket, went downstairs again and wrapped it up to Diane.

As she was about to go, she felt a grasp on her wrist, she looked at Diane and she was sleeping yet she was holding her wrist. She was muttering but Arlene couldn't hear it properly until she heard it.

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