Chapter 4: Settling In

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And of course, the first year dorms were at the top of the castle. By the time that he had climbed up the numerous flights of stairs, Sugar already felt like he was on the verge of death.

"So, you guys' dorm used to be the school's old observatory, when the school first opened," one of the prefects in charge of them said, trying to make the mood more positive after what the group heard during the assembly, "It also used to be the dorm for my old Guild, Starseekers... yeah, I'll miss this old place." as he continued to talk, they waved their hand, and a ladder fell from a hole in the ceiling.

"Alright, you lot. You have three hours before you need to come down for dinner. Each of you will have a roommate, which I have in a list right..." the prefect rifled in his pockets for a while, and finally pulled out a scroll, "here."

"Here we go! Odd number rooms for the girls, Even numbers are for the boys!" then the prefect began listing.

"Asteria and Salem Bones, 001!"

Sugar watched as the two girls he had seen talking about the possible magical creature student hurried up the ladder. Huh, so they were twins? And Bones... that was another famous, or rather infamous, family. Wasn't their dad in prison for his role in the Mythica War? The prefect continued to read out more names, and more students hurried up the ladder, judging their new roommates all the while. Charlie was paired off with a rather large boy that Sugar did not bother to remember the name of. Finally, it was his turn:

"...Sugar Thorn, 012."

He tried to ignore the definite pause before the prefect said his first name, and pushed his way to the ladder and scrambled up at a very impressive speed for a thirteen-year-old boy.

When he got up to the common area of the room, the first thing that struck him was the glass dome that served as the ceiling, and the massive telescope at the far end, which a few students were currently arguing over whose turn it was to have a look through. The second thing that struck him did so literally.

He staggered to the side as a blast of water hit him square in the face.

"Sixth sucker of the day!" cackled one of the Bones twins, another water orb already forming at her fingertip, "Azzy, write that down!"

"It's not that impressive. Six out of twenty-one isn't even a pass," grumbled the other twin (presumably Asteria based off the nickname), but she made another tally in the notepad she was carrying.

Sugar growled at them. Of course, the damn criminal's children just had to be the ones who were taught spells already. He fought the urge to flip them the bird, and scarpered off to his room.

It was clear from the decorations that the Starseekers' main colour had been yellow, and no doubt that was the colour now given to the first years. He walked down the hallway, until he finally reached room 012. The door was closed, so he presumed his new roommate had not yet arrived. Sugar opened the door and walked in.

The room was pretty plain, probably because the academy wanted the students to decorate however they wanted. There were two mahogany four-poster beds, which were quite big, and had a lot of soft looking pillows on it. The duvet was a muted mustard colour with some flowers detailed on in black thread. On the wood floor was a very fluffy, large rug in a slightly more orangy yellow. Just one look at the rug and Sugar knew it would be absolutely heavenly to lie on. Though obviously not in front of anyone. Just then, a sudden noise spooked him

"Hm? Oh! We meet again!" Knight smiled from where he was putting clothes into the closet.

Sugar leapt back in surprise, but quick regained his composure and signature annoyed look. Great, of course his new roommate just had to be the stupid squirrel guy. Well, at least it wasn't Charlie or any of his friends... he supposed Knight was just the better of the two inconveniences.

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