A Love So Unrequited (Pt Two)

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A year had passed since Class 3-A graduated and went on to become pro-hero sidekicks...It wasn't all sweet like we all thought It would be with kicking villain ass every chance we got or rising the ranks and earning a lot of money...we all thought that since we all went through a hell of alot...then It would be obvious for us to just graduate and move straight to being pro's...we were wrong and naive.


Another thing happened that no one expected...Deku-Izuku decided to leave Japan all together right after he became certified...It shocked the hell out of everyone to hear him announce his plans during our graduation party...his friends cried and begged him to stay but Izuku is a stubborn fucker...he just smiled that pained filled smiled with his eyes closed and told everyone that he would be ok.

I watched on from a distance...lost in my own thoughts about why he was choosing to leave in the first place...I felt something deep within the pit of my stomach twist as I thought of not being able to see him at all 'I wonder if It has something to do with what happened that night' I thought while taking a sip of my now warmed beer.


Now after a whole year of non-stop thinking about the nerd and trying to figure out why It bothered me so much to see his face on the billboards and huge screens while he did his thing in the US...I've come to the conclusion that I may have some unknown feelings towards him...I'm sure I have always known I just wasn't completely aware of It.


Before I knew It we were making our way to UA for our so called 3-A yearly reunion...I voiced to the extras that It was a bit stupid and unheard of to meet up like this...I mean we all see each other at work anyway 'Well besides Izuku...' I often thought...but I was told to hush my over thinking by the others while preparations were being made.

The moment I stepped through the huge door that led to the huge cafeteria I began to feel my nerves grab ahold of me...I began to look through the sea of people who were once students...in hopes of finding that turf of dark green curly hair that seemed to plaque my dreams almost every night.

I sighed sadly when I didn't find what I was looking for...but my mood began to change when I spotted a head of wild red hair with black roots 'Of course he would bring him...he actually believed that I wasn't coming tonight' I thought to myself as I made my way towards the group of people that I consider friends.

As soon as I was spotted everyone became quiet...some of them looked shocked while the others shook their heads in disappointment at the red head in front of them...I sighed while running my fingers through my hair...that got my so-called boyfriends attention...his eyes widened and his jaw dropped...he stood still for a second before removing his arm from around his sneaky links waist.

I waved my hand and turned away from him before turning my attention towards the entrance when I heard the door open and then slam shut...I gasped when I saw who It was that had just entered the cafeteria "Whoa...Midoriya's here? I thought he said he couldn't make It..." I heard Kaminari whisper to the small group...I felt my face and neck warm up as I watched him wave and speak chat with everyone as he walked further into the room.

When he got close to the middle of the room our eyes met...I felt my body buzz with adrenaline as my feet began to move on their own in his direction...he seemed to be doing the same because I watched as he waved at his friends dismissively before slowly heading my way...I could faintly hear someone call my name behind me...but I couldn't be bothered to answer...I was way to caught up in the trance...I was lost in the pool of bright green.



It definitely feels like the year went by in a blurry flash...one moment I am planning my move to America with All Might's agency...and the next I'm on a plane on my way back to Japan for class 3-A's yearly gathering...I had promises myself that I wasn't going to go because I didn't want to see the one thing that was going to break me down...the one thing I've been running away from.

I knew It was crazy to just up and leave the way that I did and to not give a proper explanation to everyone...I was acting on impulse 'Just like I am now' I thought as I watched the hair stylist behind me remove the apron from my body before giving me a mirror to check out my new hair cut "To be honest I didn't think the cut was going to work out...but I was wrong" he smiled before stepping back and allowing me to stand up.

I paid the stylist what I owed plus a tip and made my way out of the salon "I feel like I did a year ago...well sort of" I mumbled while making my way back to my hotel room.


I found myself standing at the large gate of UA with a dilemma so questionable that I was starting to wonder if It was actually my thoughts that were holding me back 'It's just a gathering...for everyone from Class 3-A...and...' I shook my head softly before stepping passed the gates and making my way through the entrance.

As soon as I stepped inside of the school cafe I was instantly taken back a year or two when my friends and I would eat our meals in this very space...It was always loud and crowded which was to be expected with how many students attended the institution and with how popular UA was- still is.

I spoke to my former class mates and smiled while thanking everyone for welcoming me back...but the moment I spotted those eyes...the ones that used to push me away with such hatred...with such animosity once upon a time...they've been the only rubies that kept me going this past year...but now they seem so intense and dare I say curious and...longing.


Just a few more steps is all It would take for me to be standing in front of him...I could feel the little air within the room between us crackle and shimmer as we drew closer to one another...I could almost taste the sweet nitroglycerin within his palms...but then suddenly everything between him and I fizzle the moment his boyfriend calls out to him and grabbed his hand.

I sighed softly and closed my eyes...turned my gaze further into the cafeteria...I spotted my friends at one of the long tables chatting animatedly...I sighed once more while making my way towards them...I didn't look back nor did I allow my mind to think about what they were talking about or why he seemed so excited to see me 'Yeah right...maybe in another life...maybe' I thought just as I reached the long white table.


Of course the evening was chaotic and eventful...but none of that interested me in the slightest...my eyes stayed glued to the blushing ash blonde that stood in front of the despicable red head whom was just making out with the brunette stood a feet or two behind him...I could feel the anger within me rising by the second and I know that my friends could feel It.

The knowing looks and the comforting words confirmed It "Sorry you have to be here and witness that Deku-kun..." Ochako said softly while rubbing my back soothingly...I gave her a small smile before turning my eyes back to the only person whom could hold my attention...however as soon as I did I felt my heart beat pick up.

Kacchan had found me within the large crown of people...his eyes shone so beautifully...a few feet behind him stood a upset and defeated Kirishima...I cleared my throat before excusing myself from my friends...they waved me away while telling me to have fun 'I almost forgot what that is...having fun' I thought as I decided to meet Kacchan halfway.

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