LLL-Chapter 2

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Lies Like Love Chapter 2

Before the three could reach Gyo's classroom, Andee let go.

"Wait a minute. He might follow us," Gyo stopped her. "I'll explain later."

Andee had no choice. She looked around. Gyo was right. Vyster was watching them, and irritation was evident on his face.

"It looks like he likes you," Yara teased. "He's in trouble with his brother. I'll really report him. Hunter will be involved. Haha!"

"Yara, if they end up fighting, Vyster will suspect you. Do you want trouble?" Andee scolded her friend.

She was already irritated because what Gyo did was sure to bring her a lot of trouble. She really disliked being the subject of gossip in the university.

They were now in front of the classroom. Andee caught a glimpse of Gyo's classmates peeking at them. She got annoyed again.

"Shit," Gyo muttered. "Let's talk later. Can I get your number? I mean, for our pretense with Vyster. Let's plan about it."

"No," Andee firmly refused.

But Yara quickly approached Gyo and showed her phone with Andee's number open.

"Yara!" Andee interrupted, trying to stop her, but Yara ignored her.

"She doesn't answer calls from unknown numbers. So, you better send a text. She doesn't have social media accounts because she's lazy. Texting is the easiest way to communicate with her."

Gyo quickly took a picture of Yara's phone screen. "Got it! Thanks! I'll call you later. My number's ending in 334. Bye!"

Andee is too pissed off! She didn't take orders from anyone, so she was irritated by Gyo and Yara.

Andee and Yara left the building.

"Sis, if she calls you, put it on loudspeaker, okay? What time is your vacant period? I'll keep you company."

"Why don't you just be the one to pretend? I have a lot of things to do."

"Girl! That's Gyo Aegyo! An instant girlfriend. Don't you want that? Even if it's just pretending?" She spoke the last part softly, mindful not to be overheard.

Andee shook her head. She decided to turn down the charade because she didn't want a complicated situation. She felt irritated as she arrived in their classroom. Her classmates were staring at her, exchanging whispers. She suspected something, and the looks they gave her confirmed it.

"Girl, you didn't mention that Gyo is your girlfriend," Andrey, her seatmate, immediately commented. "You're quite a catch. She just transferred here, right? Don't tell me she transferred just to be with you? Haha! So nice!"

Andee caught a glimpse of Andrey's phone and quickly snatched it. She furrowed her brow as a few pictures of them in the Flores building spread rapidly.

Andrey tapped her shoulder. "Impressive. She's a campus crush."

Having finished their activity earlier, Andee was dismissed by the instructor. She decided to spend her time in the library. She had a favorite corner there, the last carrel, which she even adorned with a sticker bearing her name. To her surprise, there was a book placed there. She felt a tinge of irritation that someone dared to use her spot.

"It's you!" It was Gyo! She was the one who used the carrel. "Nice to see you here! I was just about to text you."

"That's my spot," Andee grumbled. "See?" She even pointed to her name.

"The library is a place for everyone. Why is it not allowed to use tables and carrels? Did you buy it?"

"Hmm." Andee nodded. "Go ask the librarian. Remove your book. Move to another table."

Gyo did as she was told, and Andee was pleased because now everything would be quiet around her. However, she was taken aback when Gyo returned and placed her things on the adjacent carrel.

Andee raised an eyebrow as she looked at Gyo.

"What? We're girlfriends. I can occupy this place. Wait. I'll put my name on it too."

"Villanueva, Ramos," the student librarian called out. "Please lower your voices. You're disturbing others."

Without doing anything, Andee just watched as Gyo tore a piece of paper and wrote her name on it. She even added a heart shape at the end and a smiley. Gyo then went to the librarian to ask for glue.

"There! So nice!"

Andee cringed as Gyo took more pictures of what she had just posted.

"Let's take a selfie. Then I'll post it."

Quickly, Andee grabbed Gyo's phone. "Shut it up," she scolded. Annoyed, she took Gyo's right hand and returned her phone.

"Let's talk outside."

The two headed to the end of the hallway where there weren't many students.

"Look, I'm not a fan of pretenses for convenience. What you did earlier is unacceptable," Andee criticized. "I don't want to get involved with you. It's your fault."

"Victim blaming," Gyo retorted, which annoyed Andee even more because she was being defiant. "It's not my problem if she doesn't understand, right? But you're blaming me? That's absurd."

"'Cause you're putting your life in public!"

"Nice! We're arguing like a real couple," Gyo grinned. "Come on, Andee. It's just an act. Don't you want to be famous?"

"No! Stupid."

Andee knew the consequences that came with fame, so she preferred a simple life without much public attention. She noticed the alarm on Gyo's face.

"It's Vyster," Gyo said. "Let's go. God! He's creepy!"

Gyo tried to pull Andee with her left hand, but Andee stood her ground. She disliked the idea of pretense and, more so, being gossiped about having a relationship with another girl.

"Babe..." Gyo called out in a sweet tone.

Andee just stared at her. She quickly realized that the person in front of her was skilled at playing with other people's emotions.

"Babe... Let's talk somewhere else. Please?"

Andee's phone rang, and she felt a sense of worry seeing her Mom's caller ID. She answered it immediately.

"Hello, Mmy. Why?"

"Why didn't you tell me that you have a girlfriend? Why did I have to find out on social media? Andee Stella, you have lots of explaining to do!"

She sighed at her mom's words.

"Fine. Have someone pick me up now. I don't feel like going to class this afternoon."

"Gyo, can we talk?" Vyster said.

"Who was that?" her mom asked on the other line.

"Just someone. Have someone pick us up at the guardhouse, Mommy. Or whoever is available. I'm pissed off!"

She ended the call with her mom and pocketed the phone.

"Not now, Vyster," she answered the guy. "We're in a hurry."

She gestured for Gyo to proceed, trying to guide her away. But Vyster blocked their way. He stared at her from head to toe—his gaze insulting.

"Try it, Vyster. You're live," Gyo threatened while pointing the camera at Vyster.

Andee pulled out her phone. "No need. Just let it be." She subtly pointed to the two CCTV cameras focused on them. "Now, if you're looking for trouble that involves your brother. Go, just hit me," she challenged Vyster.

She chuckled as he paled. They continued walking away from Vyster. When they were far enough, she let go of Gyo's hand.

"We'll meet Mommy. Don't tell her any lies. I don't want us to have a misunderstanding just because of you."

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