Howls of a Howl

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I was gently walking through the streets of hell. Stepping over the dead bodies and around the sinners fighting. I couldn't get my mind off how the Extermination time was cut in half and how I saw that exterminator angel's dead body. How it was missing a head.
No one saw the body.. Except for the one who killed them but I didn't even see who killed them. Who has the guts to do that? I mean I've injured angels myself before but.. Never killed them.
I jumped back as a mugger tried to jump out and rob me. I rolled my eyes and just shoved them away, they definitely weren't strong enough to actually hurt me.
"Hey!" The mugger tried to stab me, I was quick with my paw and grabbed his wrist. "What the-!?" I activated the fire in my wrist and quickly burned his hand off. His scream of pain was everything as he ran away. He left his cooked hand in my paw.
Well.. Free snack.
I began to take a small bite out of his severed hand. That's when I heard a small buzzing beside me. I lowered my ears and slightly groaned before ripping off the fingers and handing them to Alastor who was obviously standing behind me.
"Thank you darling! I was rather peckish!" He quickly threw one of the fingers in his mouth and ate it. I took another bite out of the palm of the hand. "Hmm. Not the best but, I suppose it'll do." Alastor said.
I can't believe I agree with him.. This doesn't taste that good but.. I did want a snack.
"I was wondering where you disappeared to when I didn't see you at the hotel, grabbing yourself a snack I see?" Alastor asked with a laugh. I placed the hand in my mouth and held it with my teeth.
'Not exactly. I just have a few things on my mind.' I signed to him before taking the hand out of my mouth and taking another bite.
"Things on your mind? Is it about the Extermination coming again in just six months? I admit that is worrying quite a lot of.." He paused as a sinner ran past us screaming and bleeding from their eyes. "Others." He laughed a bit before seeing me lower my ears. "You're not scared are you? If you just agree to become an overlord like me, you can avoid the trouble of dealing with those pesky annoying angels." I shook my head.
'I'm not becoming an overlord.' I signed.
"But darling, you can finally join me in overlord meetings and feel safe on your own!" Alastor said, swinging his microphone around a bit.
'And what if they question how I got so powerful without soul dealing? I don't own a single soul to my name. You know how I got my power. I can betray him. I promised him.' I signed. Alastor paused.
"I.. Suppose I didn't think that far." He put his finger to his chin and shook his head.
'While yes I am a bit worried about the Extermination happening earlier then what was expected. It's not what I'm thinking about. Please. Leave me alone.' I began to walk away from him but I heard his footsteps behind me. I growled and quickly turned around, causing him to jump back a bit. 'This is not leaving me alone.' I signed.
"Apologies darling but I want to keep you safe." He said, pulling out another finger and eating it. I just threw the rest of the hand I was eating on the ground. I lost my appetite. "Melli-"
'Just leave me alone!' I signed before quickly bolting away the fastest I could.
"Melli! Darling come back!" Alastor called but I was too far gone. I slid into the small forest and hid behind the tree. Leaning against it before slipping down and hugging my knees. The tears were already streaming down my face. My nose twitched.
That scent.. He better not be here.
I slowly got up to my feet. Slowly slipping around trees until I found what I was looking for. A tree, with some of Alastor's dried up blood on it.
This is the same tree we wrote our names on and marked with our blood.. This blood smells fresher then it should.. He's been coming back..
I brought my paw up to my mouth and quickly bit it. I spread the blood all over my paw before pressing it on the other side of the heart.

 I spread the blood all over my paw before pressing it on the other side of the heart

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