Are we boring?

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Just another ordinary school day as always.

Zander ties his shirt, Hailey brushes her hair and they both prepare for the day.

Hailey waves goodbye to Michael, her dad, while Zander waves goodbye to Shannon.

"Bye dad."
"Bye mom."

Bethany quickly runs and holds Zander's leg tight, pleading for him not to go.

"Moomm! Me and Zander were gonna play Tag today!"

Zander sighs and Shannon raises her hand to her forehead as she sits on the Table.

"Honey, you can play when Zander comes back Home, Him and Hailey have to focus on their Grades."

Hailey shortens herself to reach Bethany's height.

"I'll make sure we come quick, alright Bethy?"

Bethany looks to the side and Zander gives her a thumbsup as an approval.

Bethany sighs and grunts as she runs to her room mumbling the word,


Zander rolls his eyes and finally says his goodbye to his parents.

The Parents wave back while Shannon follows Bethany.

"So what's with you and Jake recently? You've been hanging out with him a lot lately."

Zander asks Hailey questioningly.

"Don't be weird, we're just talking about rehearsals and the duet."

Zander raises his eyebrows at Hailey.

"Oh? And I thought last time you said it was 'none of my business'."

Zander teases.

"Listen, It's too early in the morning for you to remind me what I told you days ago Zander."

Hailey grunts.

Just as they continue walking, Luke would be standing there, texting on his phone next to a Pole.

Both Zander and Hailey wave Hello and so does Luke.

Like the lovebirds they are, Zander approaches Luke and his lips touches his.

"So, How have you been?"

Zander starts the conversation.

"I'm better now."

Luke flirts and Zander giggles.

"Alright, come on you two, I don't want you two flirting being the reason were gonna be late."

Hailey persists.

"Hailey, stop being such a goody-two-shoe, we still have 20 minutes."

Luke laughs at Zander's comment.

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