Who Is She?

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Zander's heart rate goes faster and faster with the thought of Luke lying to him, again.

With slight hesitation, Zander quickly runs as fast as he can behind the school, skipping his class.

As he continues running, Jake's science Teacher blocks the hallway of where Zander needs to go.

"Where do you think you're going?"

The science Teacher looks down at Zander and Zander panics thinking of an excuse.

"I- I'm getting- picked up..!"

The Teacher questionably looks at Zander but let's him go.

"Make it quick, if I find out you are skipping class, you'll be in big trouble, Wickham."

Zander nods his head and runs past the Teacher and makes it behind the school and sees Stacy sitting down and looks up at Zander when she notices he arrived.

"Oh! Um..Hi!"

Zander approaches Stacy and gets awkward knowing this is the person that pleaded Luke to be with them.

"Uh, hey.. so what's all this about?"

Stacy stands up and clears her throat.

"Well, I just wanted to explain to you what he's doing and possibly the stuff you didn't even know in the beginning.."

Zander gets invested and tries to figure out what Stacy is talking about.

"What are you talking about?"

Stacy looks at the ground a bit upset about what she's about to say.

"Zander.. Luke was dating me while he was dating you.."

Zander feels a crack in his heart, the crack gets bigger and bigger as he repeats the phrase Stacy said over and over again in his head.

"Wh.. what?"

Stacy feels a bit of guilt for making Zander feel so much hurt now but she knows that she had to do this.

"When you were running away crying.. Luke told me that I should keep it a secret between him and me.."

"But now.. he's dating someone else.."

Voices overlap Zander's head, never in a million years did he think that Luke would do something like this.

Both Zander and Stacy notice footsteps behind them and they turn around who it is.

It's literally the worst person to see for a situation like this.

It's Drew with Henry and Liam.

"Hey, what are you two freaks doing during class?"

"Oh let me guess, you got kicked out of that freak club?"

Liam and Henry laugh at Drew's comment and Liam decides to bust in too.

"Don't be harsh Drew, his boyfriend probably broke up with him!"

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