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a chain of events, if you will.

michael had anger issues.

it started to show when he was six.

the tiniest things bugged him a great deal and he often lashed out at his kindergarten peers. whenever the teacher pulled him aside to scold him, he would only roll his big green eyes and ignore her.

it was different with his mother, though. one day in first grade the teacher called michael's mum, reporting how michael punched a boy straight in the nose, which resulted in a lot of yelling on her part once her little boy came home from school. a lot of yelling.

michael didn't like it when his mother yelled at him. her face would turn bright red and a vein popped out of her neck. and she towered over him and her voice was so loud.

after that day, michael progressively got worse.

he felt angry and guilty all the time and he wouldn't talk to his mother, thinking she disowned him and hated him. he found himself hating himself and then took it out on kids at school, not really knowing what else to do.

when he would screw with his friends and peers and classmates, michael would feel so incredibly strong. strength was something a eleven year old craved. something everyone craved, really.

but all of that strength would dissolve once the teacher found out.

he's gotten detention multiple times due to physical abuse to his classmates. he's gotten suspended for skipping class more than once. his record and reputation weren't the best. and it was because of his bad temper.

"he just needs an outlet. then he'll be fine."

he overheard the principle talking to his mother after he got caught pulling some girl's hair. his mother took that advice serious, and the next day she told him he would have to join the school basketball team.

he hated basketball.

michael never really noticed how short he was because he always felt so big. but, yeah, he was moderately short and unfit and he was terrible at the sport.

and he would feel even shorter and smaller when the opposite team pushed him down so easily.

he ended up dropping out of the team. it's not like they were gonna lose anything special, anyway.

once michael was a freshman in high school, he still hadn't 'found' (as his mom put it) his outlet.

"you need to get out there. go hiking or swimming or something." she would say. "just get out of your damn room."

but he never did. staying in his room tapping small buttons on his controller was what he did most of the time. he rarely went out of his room. and rarely saw his mother. and his relationship with her faded until it was nearly invisible. but, as with everything else michael did, he didn't know what to do other than kick, punch and scream. just to let it all out.

but, in senior year of high school, he wouldn't need any of that.

because he would have his outlet.

and it wasn't what you would expect, either. his outlet was not a sport. it was not hiking nor swimming nor was it basketball. his outlet was a boy.

and that boy's name was luke hemmings.


mikey's hair is galaxy in this bc yesssssssss galaxy hair michaellll (edit* bleach blond lol)

okokok so im kinda really excited for this??? i say that with all of my books damn.

ok enjoy!

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