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A soft kiss is placed on both of my hands. "Zayne-" He cuts me off, a sadening look in his eyes. "Sister, I love you. I would move the heavens and earth for you, but this. This you cannot ask of me. I will not return to that wretched castle or those wicked people." He knows that I would ask that of him. Maybe I am unjustifiably selfish in such a way. Or do I merely desire not to be alone?

My heart aches for him, for the life we will never have. "We may not be together in flesh, but in spirit, our souls will forever hold each other." I know his eyes swell with tears because he puts his head down, not showing me a moment of weakness. He always made himself out to be the strong little brother. I only wonder how strong he truly is.

But for my country, for my people, I will do anything.

He takes a moment to gather himself before his gaze returns to me. "And what if the king did not call upon you? If your banishment is still standing?" He questions. I also wondered about it. Ever since the week I first heard of this madness. But I will risk it. On this hill, I will die.

"Then I will be beheaded. Before all the people." He closes his eyes in grievance of something that hasn't yet happened. I will not fear such things. Despite my banishment, I still have Loerdan's blood, and nobody can take that from me.

"And you are willing to die based upon a superstition, something that could very well be a figment of your imagination." Anger overcomes him. He fears many things. I did not wish to add to his fears. "Zayne, you know I do not wish to run. That is no life worth living. I only
hope one day soon, you will come to realize it too," For that, he does not argue. He only shakes his head, unwilling to hear anything I wish to say. 

"Athena, you and I both know if he did not, then you will be exiled, not just from the kingdom but from our country or worse, killed. If the king shows you mercy, you will be lucky. But you will not feel it." I do not deny his words. They are only the truth.

"Brother, let us hope the reality is better than the possibility." I curtsy in front of him before mounting my horse.


I ride through the woods, tears streaming down my cheeks as I contemplate which entry to the castle will have me live the longest. I do not fear death. It hides in the shadows of all our lives. I would rather die fighting. Then perish a coward- scared and afraid.

I select the front doorway after much consideration. It's not as if I could merely walk in and demand to speak to the king. For this is no simple matter. I will offer myself so the guards take me in and show me to the king.

On my trotting horse, I enter the woods forward of the castle. Somewhere through the trees, I believe I see it. It goes on for acres. In the front, there are many warning signs. They insist people turn back and be aware of the king's guards. And of the danger that lives in these forests. I will not fall victim to them.        

My horse neighs, visibly startled by something that conceals- in the shadows. Beyond my sight, but not his. I envy them, animals. Especially the ones loyal to their people. Some might say they are better devoted than humans themselves. I calmly rub the horse called Shadow on his neck- attempting to soothe him as we slow our pace.

He whinnies again, growing more fearful. Though from what? I wonder. "Is anyone there?" I call out, one hand grasping the sword on my side. Now I hear it- crinkling in the trees behind me. "Do not be a coward! Come out." I call out again. Though Shadow has now calmed, I have not.

The man appears from the forest, covered in blood. Also, wearing the king's guard uniform. He holds his sword, waiting to strike, "I assure you I am not a threat." I say, demounting my horse. He stays silent, frozen. "Are you alright?" I ask as I further examine him. His hands shake. Eyes bloodshot red. Blood splattered across his face.

"What has happened to you?" I still keep my distance as his sword threatens me. He drops his sword, falling to his knees. Lowering his head into his hands, he weeps. I do not know what horrors his man has endured, but I fear they were great. Though from the blood, it seems his battle was won.

"Would you like me to bring you to the castle? My horse is quite pleasant." He looks up to me, shocked perhaps. That a stranger would show him kindness. He silently nods his head, standing from his knees. I grab my horses lead rope, allowing him to mount. I will walk with the horse, he will sit on it.

No words are exchanged between us as I make way to the castle. "I need you to give me your word for something," I say. The first word spoken for long hours. My feet and back ache, I've grown thirst and hungry, soon it will all come to an end.

He doesn't speak so I continue. "When we get to the castle, you must say that I assisted you. You must vouch so that I may live." We reach a bush, that when a branch is moved the castle shines behind it.

We have arrived.

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