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"I will not go further until you offer me your word," I speak hushed. Guards surround the castles at every entrance. The risk of them hearing me is far too great. I grow impatient. "Guard, your word," I demand, practically beg of him. He looks up at me teary-eyed, "You have my word."

A smile grows on my face as he dismounts the horse. "Do you have a name?" I ask, securing the horse's lead around my hand. "Not one worthy of knowing." I hum, not paying much attention to his words. He is shaken. "We all are worthy of a name, of something. Now, we must go."

The final bush is cleared, leaving out in the open world. Nature lives in and around us, aiding endless possibilities. I used to hide in the tallest trees, staring at the sky. I and the moon seem to be very much alike. I found solace in her- the moon. Until nature stopped being a shield and became of aid, I stopped hiding and began living.

I stopped being frightened and began being brave.

Even today- that resilience lives through me as the guard and I walk closer to the palace gates. Once we reach close enough- I begin to shout, "I mean to bring you no harm. I come bearing a hurt soldier." The soldier follows behind me. "She is not deceiving you. She offered me help." The guard speaks beside me.

Once we fall under the guard's eyes, they all recognize me. "It is the woman the king calls upon!" One of them shrieks. One of the notable king-guarding staff steps towards me. "I will now take you to the king. He has liquefied your exile. And expects to see you." He holds his hand out for me to take- only I am stunned.

My emotions towards my father have never been good. This only further confuses them. But I won't let myself feel overcome with it yet because I do not know his intentions. I only hope seeing his face will not bring me to anger. Seeing him in a position of power he robbed my entire family from because the moment I was exiled was the moment I realized he was not my family. Merely a person I share blood with. And yet, he has all the power.

He deprives me of mine- and relishes in his.

I take the guard's hand, and he guides me into the castle. "I will tell the king you are here. You will wait silently outside of his quarters until his command." I silently nod. His gaze feels very hefty. "I will take your sword and any other weapons."

I give him a dirty eye. I would not wish to disobey the king or his men's orders. They ask extremely much of me. "You expect me to leave myself vulnerable in a castle I do not know well?" I ask, contesting his gaze. "I suppose you know it very well. Your weapons, my lady." He says sternly. "I am far more than a lady. You and I both know it." I take the sheath that holds my sword off of my shoulder. And place it in his hand.

I take my bow from across my back. "I will give you the arrows- but I must keep the bow," I demand. This time, I am not asking. He looks at me for a moment, considering it. "The arrows then," I place the bow across my back, retrieving the arrows from my pack. I set them in his hand, contesting his gaze again.

I wonder if people who grasp so much power- enjoy taking it from the less fortunate.


We reach the king's quarters. I only know because of the tens of guards surrounding a singular door. "You now must wait." The notable guard says to me before turning to a different guard. "Be sure she doesn't flee- or move." He speaks. I narrow my eyes at him, wondering what I did to make him dislike me.

I stand there waiting for the guard to return and take a moment to reminisce. For such a big palace, it feels utterly empty. It is also equally as beautiful- Just as I remember. I never dared to enter the king's quarter, as it felt like darkness. It still holds the same darkness, and I fear some of it is inside me.

A long while passes, and I hear nothing from inside the king's quarter. Abruptly, the entrance flies open. The noble guard walks toward me, "his majesty will see you now." I respond with a nod and begin walking towards the open doors.

The presence of him is almost as painful as I imagined it. The crown on his head, the grey hairs that fill his beard, the redness beneath his eyes, and the paleness of his skin tone. He is unwell. I push the tears out of my eyes, and the lump out of my throat.

"Your majesty," I say with a curtsy. His eyes lay low, but they follow me. He stands from the side of his bed- walking towards me. I do not know if I should be afraid. A part of me recognizes him as my father, but the other part sees him as only my king.

"I am unwell." He utters, his voice trembling. "If someone of my bloodline doesn't claim the throne, this country will be claimed by Astaix." Astaix, our greatest foe for decades now. No peace will ever be found between our nations unless they steal my country. My cousin is the next king. One thing he has never been is compassionate, or caring. He will be a pleasant king, the greatest threat because he does not mix personal and political. 

"This Is what it takes for you to call upon me. You to fall ill?" I say as anger overcomes me. "I need to hear your word that I will not be beheaded for my presence in the castle." One thing about the king is his word means more than anything because he never breaks it.

"Your removal was never for your lifetime. Your penalty was ten years. Your time has come." I grow even more angry if possible. I mustn't show him how greatly he bothers me. How greatly I do wish to take his place on the throne. "My removal? My penalty? I was nothing but a child." I sneer.

"I have everything in order. You will become the next queen of Ardistan." He says without a question, sitting on the chair behind him as he holds his stomach. I worry for his health, slightly, of course, but I do despise him. For everything he has done. And everything he will now do.

"That's it? I have no say? No choice?" I question him. He groans in pain, lying back on the chair. "Your choice was made the moment you were born- my only heir. There will be no argument. You will do this for the people. Our people." I wish to hear no more of what he has to say. I merely wish to see my brother.

"Your lies and manipulation have no end," I say before storming out of the king's quarters. The army of guards attempts to stop me. "Let me pass." I hiss, I bear no more tolerance for any of these individuals. "Grant her a moment." The king roars from his room.

"I shall show you to your quarters."

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