The unit ~ Game Night

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The unit were all at Antonio's house. After solving a massive case. Which took forever to finish. So, they decided to have a game night.

Antonio walked back into the lounge with a board game - Headbands.

"Okay! Let's Play!" Antonio spoke up.

The unit all cheered, and drank their beers.

"Who wants to go first?" Antonio asked.

Jay raised his hand up first. Which made the whole team laugh.

"Okay. Jay's going first!" Antonio smiled.

Jay put the headband on his head. And got a card placed onto the band.

"Okay. Ask us some questions?" Hank spoke up.

Jay put his beer down, and spoke.

"Am I an animal?" Jay started.

The unit shook their heads. And drank their beers.

"Can I be eaten?" Jay wondered.

The unit nodded. And smiled.

"Okay. Am I a cake?" Jay replied.

The unit nodded, and waited for some more questions.

"Am I a cupcake?" Jay questioned.

"YES!" The unit cheered.

Jay laughed, and took the headband off.

"Okay! Who wants to play hangman?" Erin asked.

Kim raised her hand. So did Adam.

"Sorry. Man. Kim raised her hand first." Erin apologised.

Adam put his hand down. And Kim grabbed the marker.

Kim wrote some lines on the board. Not giving away her answer.

"A!" Adam spoke.

Kim counted the letters. And wrote the letter which was called out.

"B!" Jay went next. 

Kim shook her head. And drew the stand.

"D!" Antonio asked.

Kim counted the spaces. And nodded.

"I'd like to guess the word?" Erin spoke up.

Kim nodded, and allowed Erin to solve.

"Dragon fruit." Erin solved.

Kim smiled, and placed the letters in the empty spaces.

Soon. The unit all were eating some snacks. Erin cuddled into Jay. Hailey cuddled into Kevin. Adam cuddled into Kim. Antonio cuddled into Laura. Hank in Trudy's arms.

"That was the best game night. Ever!" Adam exclaimed.

Everyone agreed, and continued eating their pizza.

"I'm stuffed!" Jay moaned.

Erin giggled, and spoke.

"Not surprised. You scoffed those slices down." Erin replied.

Jay lied his head into Erin's chest. And closed his eyes.

"We're gonna make a move..." Kim whispered.

Antonio nodded, and got up.

"Yeah. Us too. I wanna get Jay home. Before he starts spewing everywhere." Erin explained.

Antonio laughed, and hugged his sister.

"This was a really lovely night. We have to do it again sometime." Hailey smiled.

Antonio hugged Hailey, and stepped back.

"Night Guys!" Laura smiled.

The unit all said their goodnights. left the apartment.

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