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The rusted gates sit there. Abandoned and broken. The floor glows an odd gray, as the vast white clouds the mind and visions. It felt cold. Spikes protruded off the ground, walking into those rusted gates. 

Walking into Heaven wasn't easy. Everything felt as if it threatened to take the life of the Gambler once again. The silence was deafening. As soon as the Gambler tried to speak to them self in some form of reassurance, only gargles came out. Vocal cords destroyed, it caused some panic, the Gambler clutching their throat to try and speak. "G...urk-", the sounds of retching and gargles continued. As the sense betrayed the gambler, their hands rand over their face and throat. An entity crudely stitched and stapled back together in an attempt to "fix" their disfigured face before the Gamblers eyes opened. The initial panic grew more intense, as the body felt broken. No pain could be felt thankfully. Yet the fact of knowing you only have silence, even from themselves, was more horrifying than one would admit. Settling in with this new reality would be a must, as the mind would go insane from the silence.

While spared pain, the other senses felt assaulted. The taste, the overwhelming mixture of blood, gunpowder, alcohol, and tobacco felt sickening. The sight, assaulted by the monochrome colors. The smell, another unfortunate sense lost. As the grief of these losses set in, the path opened up. It left one to wander through the wastes of paradise. Each step felt surreal, as if walking on air. Most likely the clouds were below as they walked. As if the ground threatened to fall beneath them, an illusion created by some kind of hell. The minutes passed and they turned to hours. And those hours led to days.  Days of pure isolation and silence. The gambler sat and waited, this moment of rest the only peace of mind they had at the moment. Soon they stood up to search once more. A Sisyphean task to search for others has begun.

White protruded the mind as it was clouded gradually. The body is walking, the mind resting. Soon there wasn't much to find. Days of searching led to nothing giving way to the gradual build up of insanity. The hallucinations began. It wasn't all bad. Not at all, the company created by the mind was well wished for. Family, friends. All was well, and the Gambler was happy for a time. That was until they heard a sound. A sound they had come to dread despite the reward promised. The sound of a shotgun rack. Turning away the Gambler saw the sight of the one who took victory from them. The Dealer. "You know the drill", the Dealer said as they loaded a random assortment of shells. The Gambler turned the tail, running away. Yet no matter where the Gambler ran, the Dealer waited, with that crooked smile and that shotgun, green table ready to be the setting for playing. Yet this time, the Gambler didn't go first. The Dealer, seemingly not following the rules of the previous game aimed at the Gambler, shooting a live shell as the Gambler blacked out. 

When desperation comes, the life of oneself becomes worthless

Soon enough the Gambler woke up, facing up into the white void with spikes near them. Nothing changed, the Dealer seemingly gone. Was it another hallucination? Did the Dealer lose? It was confusing to say the least. The hallucinations were gone, the only company that was there besides themselves. There was a moment of clarity for once. They were truly alone in this place. Unless the Dealer lost, maybe, just maybe they would have company. But the Dealer wouldn't break the rules like that. Not ever. It had to be a hallucination.

Though, the Dealer has emotion. Maybe it got angry? Was it just the Dealers turn? Were they still playing the game? A shotgun racked behind the Gambler once again. It was really the Dealer. In the flesh. Crooked teeth and all. "Good to see you once more. I will not remain for long". As the Gambler attempted to speak once more, more gargles and choking sounds came out. The Dealer spoke once more, seeming to understand the gargles and noises. "Yes, I lost. And I won't be here for much longer". The gambler "spoke" once more, the Dealer nodded and responded. "Yes, your face is my doing. I had not wished for you to be completely disfigured. It makes it difficult to even perceive what's around you. I had used what I had around, along with some assistance. I had wished I could've said congratulations for participating, even if you had lost. Though I guess now is the perfect opportunity. Congratulations". It was shocking how calm the Dealer was for having died.  Then again, the thrill was half the prize for playing. "Heaven isn't regulated, I simply act as a keeper from time to time, check in on those who I have personally sent here. To keep them sane, so to speak. I would like to offer my condolences". The Gambler let out an angry gargle, since they couldn't speak. "I expected that as much. I do not blame you for being upset about losing. Though I can't reimburse you for your time, I can offer company, if only for a short while". Since there wasn't much of a choice, the Gambler reluctantly accepted the offer, sitting on the floor with the Dealer as company.

Didn't see many Buckshot roulette stuff so I made one myself :p. It's bad but I worked with what I had)))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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