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Author's pov..

They both were standing looking at their face it's look like they must have heard a little bit of a talking.

Y/n looked at her timidly father then came near Jungkook and said

Y/n:Why you came here? Didn't you just got discharged? You should to go to home and take rest didn't I tell you to take care of yourself?

Her father looked at her surprised

Jungkook :I just wanted to meet your parents quickly and have a conversation with uncle.

Looking at her dad

Dad:What conversation are you talking about? And y/n Didn't I told you not to have any kind of connection with you know he got discharged?

Y/n looked down not able to look at her father

Jungkook noticed it and said

Jungkook:Uncle I am sorry but I am her soulmate no one can deny that we don't have connection even we both can't deny it.we both need other specially when we r falling for each other.that's why I am here for the conversation we really need.

Y/n dad looked at everyone and saw how y/n was looking down and how his wife was pleading him with her eyes so he said

Y/d:I think I need to talk to you in private.

Jungkook:Yeah, sure if you want.

Y/d: So follow me.

Y/d led him near the garden area where he noticed Jungkook was limping a little He asked

Y/d:How is your health now?

Jungkook:I am quite good now recovering well.

Y/d: That's good.So what do you want to talk about?

Jungkook:Actually you know what I am here to talk about.

Y/f:you are in touch with my daughter right?

Jungkook:Yes we are in touch.

Y/d:So she must have told you then why are you here? I will go and forbid her from talking to you.I don't want history repeats.

Jungkook:Why uncle? Why can't you trust our connection? You know we are soulmates.

Y/d:I don't trust it. It's not gonna take long for you to betray her.My only daughter is too dear to me I can't lose her.

Jungkook:How are you sure that I am gonna betray her?uncle we r soulmate we can't even think about leaving each other side .you might know our color blindness is also from this.

Y/d:I know but what clarification that gives? Betraying is normal and in your case being not just a normal person but a big celebrity, there is a more chance.My daughter is just a normal girl.

Jungkook :I know you have trust issues because of parents but believe me, I'm not like him my and y/n story will never be like them. When I said that I want to be with her, I meant it. I told her, I said to auntie, and I'm telling you even. I can assure you about not leaving her ever as I myself get restless without talking to her.

Y/d:It is normal at first time bt time by time what if you get bored of mom used to tell me how dad loved her dearly bt at the end he was the cause of her death.

Jungkook: If this the only reason then uncle can I ask you something?


Jungkook:have you ever thought of betraying or cheating aunty?

Y/d:wtf your saying I can't even imagine living my life without my wife betraying her is far more than that.

Jungkook:see uncle you and auntie is not even soulmate still you can't imagine living without her here we r soulmate you can't even imagine what we r going though even if we r in the primary stage of our relationship bt still I can't help myself falling for her more and know a relationship build with trust I trust myself about her and also trust her with me.

Y/d:do you think you will love her forever?

Jungkook: uncle I don't know about your parents bt I know about me and how I feel for her as we can even feel each I know how much sad she feel not hearing you and sneaking out to meet me or being in touch in phone.

Y/d:she also sneaked out to meet you(disbelief)

Jungkook:yes uncle she did and she even cried not able to keep your words I had to console her all the time.i felt how devastated she felt when she lied to you . Only for her I came today directly from the hospital as I don't want her more sad even if I have to bag you for her I will

After saying this Jungkook gently seat on his knees in front of y/d

Y/d:what r you doing get up

Jungkook:let me uncle I myself don't know what to do more to have you believe in me uncle please give me a chance I can't imagine a day without talking to her now .Your daughter not only as a soulmate bt also as a lover made me crazy for her this heart(pointing at his heart) always want to be with her please (tears falling from eyes)

Noticing his state y/d fell into deep thoughts Jungkook noticed it he wiped his tears and said

Jungkook:When I make a promise I know how to keep it and being with her forever is my promise to myself I have always dreamed of a good life partner bt now God has chosen her for me I can't be more than happy being with her .

Y/d:in that case think before hurting her bcz her dad will be always ready to take her away from you.

Jungkook jerked towards him

Y/d: what?

Jungkook:your giving us a chance?

Y/d:what us only you prove yourself for my daughter.

Jungkook Excitedly hugged y/d

Jungkook:thank you thank you thank you I will surely prove myself for her

Y/d:okay okay now leave me.

Jungkook:(breaking the hug) hehe let's go inside

Glaring at Jungkook y/d went inside

Jungkook:thank God uncle give me a chance.i will be the best soulmate for my y/n(smiling)

                   To be continued

My Fated Soulmate❤️| Jeon Jungkook FF Where stories live. Discover now