long talk

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Authors pov...

After eating breakfast everyone sat in drawing room...

Yd:so I want to take you somewhere

Everyone looked at him

Jungkook:(point at himself)me?

Yd : yes be ready in a hour we r leaving


Yd then went to his room

Ym:how about you two spend time at our garden

Both noded and headed to the garden

While walking Jungkook hold yn's hand which made her flinch but she quickly blushed

They both sat down on a bench holding hands

Jungkook:your garden is beautiful


Jungkook:but not more than you

Yn blushed at the statement

Jungkook:yn am I making you uncomfortable

Yn looked at their hand in her lap she slowly caress his hand with her finger and said

Yn:no it's not like that I am just shy everything is unbelievable

Jungkook:(chuckle at her then hold her cheek with free hand) I know it's unbelievable I am also in the same situation but now we r with each other we r soulmate we r practically lovers right.(Yn blushed again)ohh my red tomato you are so cute.

Yn: don't tease me (covering her face with her hands)

Jungkook:(removing her hands)why not you r mine to tease.aha my tomato become strawberry now.

Yn: Jungkook (whine)

Jungkook:okay okay I will stop your highness (kissing her forehead)I am so happy that you come in my life you koto only brought colors in my life but also lighten up my world.

Yn:and you brought stars to my life.

Jungkook:I like you Soo much

Yn:I like you too

Jungkook: actually I love you

Jungkook again kissed her forehead and make her head leaned to his shoulder.

Yn:I wonder when we will see the colorful world.

Jungkook:me too but I am happy atleast I can see you you are my color now

Yn:(look at him with teary eyes)

Jungkook: don't cry it will hurt me love

Yn:you know I never thought you will be this much wonderful as a person .

Jungkook:why not aren't you army don't you know me

Yn:I always saw you as my idol.A humble kind and beautiful human being.But now I am with you talking to you I now know you are the most wonderful person.

Jungkook: (cupping her cheeks) your person.


Jungkook:yes yours and you r mine


Then they spend a beautiful time together.

After sometime they were called in the house and Jungkook had to leave with yd.

While driving.....

Yd: won't you ask me where we r going.

Jungkook: (nervously) it's okay I am fine with anywhere.

Yd: don't be this nervous I am not gonna eat you

Jungkook:hehe okay uncle


Then they stopped by a riverside

They got off from the car

Yd got some fishing kit then forwarded them to jungkook.jungkook quickly took them to his hand and follow him.

They both sat near the river after throwing the fishing rod.

Jungkook was feeling too nervous

Yd:you know why I brought you here?

Jungkook shook his head

Yd:my mom used to brought me here every weekend

Jungkook:ohh she must love this place a lot

Yd:yeah you know why?


Yd: because she first meet dad here.till her last breath she hoped to see him here

Jungkook:I am sorry about that

Yd:it's okay

There was silence for sometime

Yd:you know yn is my only daughter.we both cherish her with all we have.we don't want to lose her at any cost .she is like a glass to me.

Said with teary eyes...

Jungkook silently kneel down in front of him...

Jungkook: uncle yn is your only daughter I understand how much you are worried for her.but I want to tell you how much I like her no love her.when I first saw her my world stopped I was hoping for a better future.but when I got to know her I wanted my future with her,I found myself drawn in her love.she has too much effect on me.this man(point on his chest)can die for her and I promise our story will continue till the end of our life.

Yd:are you sure you can love her till the end.

Jungkook:I am more than sure I can't even imagine my life without her . After my mother she is the only woman of my life and if there is any other woman other than her then it will be our daughter only

Yd rised his eyebrow

Yd:I didn't accept you fully and you are already thinking about children.

Jungkook:(nervously laugh)hehe uncle think about it don't you want grandchild little yn in front of you

Yd:yes I want ofcourse my little little grandchildren

Jungkook:for that you have to gave us permission for marriage

Yd:how shameless you are

Jungkook:(proudly) shameless in love

Yd:huh now go sit my rod is moving I need to pull it

Jungkook: (bunny smile)yes yes

After that they enjoy a great time catching fish and talking and mostly their topic was yn...

To be continued....

My Fated Soulmate❤️| Jeon Jungkook FF Where stories live. Discover now