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A wince escapes me as i sit up, soreness opening up throught my body. My home.... my family, was gone. Everyone. Jay, Mom, Dad. I curl up, feeling the weight of new apendages on my back. I slowly look at them to notice the small wings attached to my shoulder blades. The feathers glowing a luminous green color, matching my aching Soul. This isn't the place to mourn. I force myself to stand, windmilling my arms as i struggle to balance myself out. Where did i even land? Why was i so cold? Was i dead? No i'm in pain, i can't be dead.
Back to the task of finding out where i am. I start walking, cobblestone making my steps full of tripping and smacking into the stone battlements. After the 5th time i start getting the hang of balancing with my new wings.
A suple, ancient prescence rises behind me and i pivot, stopping to face a older man, clad in greenish black armor.
"Your certainly not the strangest sorceress drawn to Camelot, but what brings you here Voidling?"
"I don't know, all i know is everything i ever knew and everyone is gone." The old man seems to ponder for a moment, before waving to me.
"Follow me miss, and please. Call me Merlin."
I smile as i follow, saying,"Sahara."
" no last name? Most voidlings do thier best to say it, even as the family name fades."
"I'm..... unsure if it really fits me anymore. I need to find those close to me."
"And that might be? I'll do my best to help while i wait for my guests."
"Jayelynn Sipes. Shapeshifter. My mother and father of the Cox family. The rest, went back to thier world."
"Ah. Well the fact that you could even say thier names says alot. It means that they must exsist somewhere. But your right, Sahara cox is such an odd ring."
I shrug and chuckle, the small wings lightly tapping my shoulders as i do so.
"So Merlin. That wouldn't be the Magnamious Merlin from Camelot? Lead wizard of king Arthur?"
He seems to smile as he says,"why yes that's me, seems you know your wizardry. Who are my aprentices?"
"I know one is the dark wizard Morgana, but i think, wait. Oh gosh your the Arcadian merlin from one of my favorite shows. That means, Hisrdoux?"
The old man nods, a gentle smile playing on his lips.
"You know your stuff Sahara, i'm genuinely interested in what your world was like."
I shake my head.
"Unless i find the others, i'm the last survivor."
"Say thier names every day, if one day you can't, then it means they were peacefully erased. But you must master your new powers if your to ever find them."
"What do you mean?"
He flicks his floating emerald and blackish metal staff, and a flame erupted in his other hand. I felt a sudden fear wash over me and i step back.
"That's... new."
Merlin nods and snuffs it out.
"That is one of the few things i know about Voidlings, most hate fire, or extreme tempatures of heat. Fear it even. Some are just too mad and lost without thier minds. But all have incredible abilities to manipulate thier form into nearly anyone."
I nod as we head inside and he says."explore, anyone you meet here is friendly, feel free to take up an unmarked room. You'll need the rest for when i return."
He waves his staff and slams it down, dissapearing in a flash of emerald green light.
I chuckle.
"Man that wizard is gonna get on my nerves with how he talks." I say to myself, feeling my wings shake with every rise and fall of my shoulders. Hmmm, maybe i should learn to use these?
Another time. I need to investigate the castle, make sure that Nari or Sir Gallahad isn't missing. I wish Error was here. He'd just be able to check the codes and tell me the diffrences.

I sigh, a pang running through me as i'm reminded of those i lost. I don't even know if they're lost. I look over the edge of the castle, which is when i notice the clouds are beneath us. How is my asthma not kicking in? I shake my head, deciding not to question it.

But ahead lies an enchanting sunset. But all it does is remind me of Jayelynn. I shove away the sorrow. She wouldn't want me to cry over her. But be brave in her stead. I breathe deep, feeling my wings flutter in the wind as i hear a soft, Child-like voice.

"Hello there, are you one of Merlin's friends?"
I look over to see the small plant witch, Naari of the eternal forest, her skin a pale white around her face, gently fading into green as she sits more like a monkey then human.
"No i am not Naari. But you have no reason to fear me. I am Sahara."
She carefully holds out a hand, and i hesitantly reach out and grab it, and she gently shakes, and i smile.
After that brief encounter, i go exploring through the castle, just doing my best to ignore the sorrow in my heart. I have to believe that at least Jay has survived.
I'm sure my parents have already been erased, i can no longer remember thier faces or names. Even though i was with them just this morning.

I feel subtle magics, swirling through the air. Merlin's back already? I sigh, heading outside, and channeling my magic, focusing on summoning my weapons, dual simple daggers.
I note how the magic changes to have more jagged forms, but it feels incomplete. Better to have something then nothing.

"Voidling, come quick, i need your help! I cannot find the Trollhunter."
Jim's gone?! Without him, the Arcane order wins.
"I'm here Merlin. What do you need me to do?"
"His friends are in the room behind me, stay with them, and follow if anything happens." I nod and head behind Merlin.
Stepping into that room was an experience. Claire, a girl with raven black hair with a snow white streak in her bangs, was already crying against an injured 4 arm, 6 eyed troll that i knew as Blinkous Galadrigal. Horrible name, he knows, he goes by Blinky. Arrrgh looks at me with a guarding expression. I take a breath, my longing to help causing my soul to pulse, and my wings flex with the pulse.
"Who are you?" He asks slowly, his deep voice calming due to my adjustment to people with deep voices.
"I'm Sahara, i wish i had better news for Claire."
"How do you know us?" The higher and sharper voice of Blinky cuts through the tension, turning the pressure on me.

"From the world that has since collapsed, i watched your world as a tv show, one i loved, and since the Trollhunter isn't here, someone needs to take his place for what's about to begin."

"What do you mean, another world?" Claire looks at me with a suspicious look. I sigh to myself, before deciding to let actions speak more. Blinky being injured doesn't play anything interesting. I channel my magic and send it to my hands, and gently stepping to Blinky, healing him with my magic. He gasps as cracks and bruises heal. I stop once he's done and smiles, my magic dismissing, but another cold pulse radiates through my body.
The whole castle rocks and my wings spread to balance me like i had just stepped onto a boat, i grab Claire's arm to prevent her sliding, when i realize what's going on.
"K, you and i need to get outside claire, trust me."
"Is it what's supposed to happen?" I nod, and she relaxes.
"Alright, let's go." I focus on closing my wings and we slide as the castle is hit again. Blink and arrgh hang onto, something that somehow, holds thier weight.

I flare out my wings once we reach the door to the outside, and i spot the rift.
I grab Claire's arm in both hands, and i look at the rift. We can jump to it if i glide us down.
"Hold on tight! I need to glide us into the rift!" I feel her grip tighten, the claws of her armor digging in, but it doesn't hurt. Fear alight in her dark brown eyes.
I close my wings, pushing off the ground, and flaring my wings fully, and they slow our fall as the rift engulfs us.

Voidling of ArcadiaWhere stories live. Discover now