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TW: beheading, but not gruesome.
Sahara's POV

We come through the rift hovering hundreds of feet above the ground.
I could feel my small wings fighting to slow us down, each flap weaker then the last since there's no real muscle yet.

I pull claire close to me. I can at least protect her from the fall, and i let my wings close, and she screams as we drop like stones. About halfway through the fall i feel something stop us suddenly.
We fall again, and are stopped. Oh no- aprentinces forking Anti Gravity Spell! We land roughly, but alive as i gasp for breath.

"Sorry Claire" i say as i stand, and i reach down to her."it's ok, your wings clearly couldn't hold us both- wait, where's the flying castle?"
"Fuzzbuckets-" i hear the slightly faked aussie voice of Hisirdoux say, oh i'm gonna enjoy using that word sometime.
"It appears we've had ourself a Temporal accident. Wait, who's that with you Claire?!" I feel the soft pulse of his cyan colored magic and i sigh.

Did i see this coming? Completely!

Do i feel like getting whacked with spells? No!

"You should drop that spell before the knights come, i'm on your side, and thanks for the anti gravity spell."

"What's your name?"
"I don't know if it's needed, but call me Sahara, i'm a sorceress like you."

"That much makes sense, you got a last name?"
What could i say is my last name? Merlin keeps calling me a Voidling, i have wings, maybe that could work.
"Voidwing, Sahara Voidwing."
"I love it, now lets hide those wings for now." I nod and i pull them into my sweater. It was uncomfortable, but it's better then a corset- oh shoot.

The sound of hoofbeats sends my senses to high alert, but i need to act normal. I watch the knights surround us and i duck as a sword slices near where my head was.

Sans-like reflexes? That's new. I'll take it.
"What manner of sorcery is this?" A knight asks as he removes his helmet romantic style.
I will admit, for the time, he's got awesomely luxurious blonde hair. But so not my type, or even my age group.

"Sir Lancelot." Ah, right. The blonde oaf's anscestor, who i hear mumble about how handsome the knight is. No, steve has a girlfriend, don't get your hopes up. A girlfriend he ends up having kids with, which is a subplot i shall advoid because thinking about it makes my stomach churn.

"Wait, Aren't you Merlin's errand boy?" Lancelot cries out.
"Aprentice-" i need to think. The only reason the group got dragged to Arthur was because Jim was a halftroll.
I can't show my wings, i can't show my magics, but we need to get in front of Arthur.
"I was just searching for new recruits, for the soldiers and we need to see Arthur. Please, can you escort us to Camelot?"
I feel a hard pull on my arm, and i'm dragged to my feet, grunts from my compatriots tell me the same is happening to them.

One shoves me in a direction and i stumble, but get moving, forcing myself to relax, another icy cold pulse slowly moving through my being.

What was going on with me? I'll need to check my soul once i'm alone. If something's wrong- well, i don't want to think about that.

After all, i don't want to leave Jay as the last survivor of our world. I clutch a hand around a simple onyx and rhinestone turtle necklace, she has the other one of these. Keepsakes we got in Virgina city, to always stick together.
The feeling grounds me, remembering what Jay would want.

I need to survive this adventure through time without ruining thier future.
I could claim i'm a cook, maybe i could get lucky, eh, maybe. All i know is my prescence could wreck everything because of my knowledge.

I just need to not give hints. No telling them the answers.
I can help encourance and relax them at least.

We're shoved into Arthur's throne room. The elaborate marble mosaic on the ground resonate with different magics. I feel a beautiful purple Amethyst resonating with me, sharpening my senses. The icy cold pulses through me again, but i barely felt it this time.

"What are these foreigners doing in my castle, in my throne room?" The king says, his tone sharp and obvious. I softly act out a curtsy to show my respect. The man may be a douchebag, and stubborn fool, but here he will become a hero. I must act respectful in the least.

"Arthur. This is Sahara of the house of Voidwing from outside camelot's borders, Claire of the house of Nunez, and this-"
"I'm Steve Palchuck, an In-sol-ent knight. Sir Steve of Palchuckia!"
"Is the village idiot." Douxie finishes, and it takes all i have not to die laughing.

"If they came from the wood i will not have it! Those enchanted monsters roam there, and have likely sent them as Spies!"
And there it is. Arthur's very clear paranioa. How in great geylan was he allowed Excaliber?!
My wings flare out of my sweater, my anger nearly boils over, but i contain it, not even noticing the dark purple glow in my eyes. I can feel my usual instincts trying to take over. To turn the anger into something safer.
I harness the anger, and my arms somehow slip out of the chain on my wrists that had claire contained too.
"Changeling! Sound the alarm!" I hear sir gallahad yell. I still wonder how he and merlin ended up in that lonely castle.

"She's born of magic, like you are of blood!" Morgana's silky but strong voice cuts through the panic. A burst of golden magic springs from her, forming a bird that turns into a rose at arriving at Arthur.
"How is her nature and countenance a crime?" Her voice softens as she looks to me, and that suffering glimmer in her eyes, her toxic green, it somehow feels relaxing.

"When they ravage our lands, take our loved ones, I made these laws to hold this fragile land together, and they Will be abided! Leave the wood, the penalty is death, take off her head."
One of the knights level thier swords to me. I decide i need to try a shield. I quickly form one, gripping the necklace around my neck, and they slice, getting stopped for the first strike by my shield, but the second one cuts clean through. Something feels weird though, i felt no pain.

I realize that my head is on the floor, and there's gasps, and even a scream from claire and i say.
"Well, that's strange. Well Arthur Pendragon, how well did that work out eh?" I use my magic to throw my head back onto my neck, and it's like i was never beheaded at all.

Is this what Nearly Headless Nick feels like?

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