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He runs out the cave, towards the hotel. Hoping Cheyenne had followed him and is running behind him. He barged in through the doors and heads for the stairs just wanting to lie down and think for a moment. But then someone stops him. "Hey!"

Jake freezes and turns around when he's one the first step. He becomes worried when he sees all the old fashioned people sitting on the tables with beers, and the man who had yelled at him looks like he's the bar man. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked dangerously

"To my room?" Jake asked more than said. "I'm a guest here." He added.

"Does this look like a hotel to you?" The man asked in the same tone.

"Yeah." Jake said. "No, I've got a key." He adds while fumbling through his pockets and finding the key, pulling it out. "Talk to the manager, he'll tell you." The man walks over and snatches the key from Jake.

"I'm the manger, boy." He said.

"He's American." One of the women sitting down said. "Maybe he's army?" She asked.

"Bollocks." Another man said. "Listen to his accent it's terrible."

"He's a spy!" A man yelled while slamming his beer onto the table.

"What?" Jake asked with worry. He looks around frantically for Cheyenne but he can't see her and Jake realises that she didn't follow him after all. "No, I'm not. I'm a tourist." He said desperately.

"I say we should get the truth out of him, the old fashioned way." The manager said while walking closer to Jake.

Jake looks around frantically for anything he could do when he hears someone yell "get down!" He then sees plates and glasses full of beer flying around as if being thrown. Jake smiles in amazement as he watches the objects dart around. But then someone grabs him arm, gently.

"Come on!" Olive says and pushes Jake towards the door. Her glove is in her mouth but she still has one on. Jake runs out with Olive and Olive quickly presses her hand to the wall of the pub and a fire starts. Jake is frozen in amazement yet again as he's witnessing pure magic. But then  he hears Olive yelling at him again. "Jake! Get on!" She says.

Jake turns around to see that Olive and Emma and on a horse and trap and he runs after them to climb on. Once he sits down on it he smiles "I can't believe you're real! You're all real!" He exclaims.

"Well, we have been trying to tell you." Emma said from the front of the trap as she was in charge of the reins.

"But I'm special too!" Jake says happily.

"What?" Emma asks.

"In the pub!" Jake exclaims. He looks to the redhead in front of him. "Olive, you saw, right? Everything was flying around and breaking." Olive looked down. "And that was me!" Jake adds. "I was doing it with my mind!"

"No, that was me." Millard said.

Jake's shoulders slumped. "Millard?" He asked in disappointment.

"Yeah." Millard said casually.

"Are you..naked?" Jake asked unsurely.

"Yeah." Millard said in the same casual tone.

Emma passed some clothes to Olive without looking back from the horse and path ahead of them. Olive then passed the pile to Millard, who begun to get dressed.

"Oh." Jake sighed in disappointment. But then Jake begun to doubt everything and everyone around him again. "I don't.." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. "A bomb dropped on you in 1943."

"It is 1943." Olive said calmly.

"September the 3rd, 1943." Millard added.

"All day, every day." Emma continued. "It's our loop." She added.

They continued the rest of their journey in silence. Until Jake had even more questions. "Wait, where's Cheyenne?" He asked.

"She went with Bronwyn and the twins back to the house." Emma answered.

"And was Miss Peregrine that bird that flew a live us on the boat?" Jake asked.

"That's probably how she saw you." Emma said dryly, praying for the moment when Jake is permanently silent.

"Oh, no." Jake gasped. "That means I said don't crap on us to your headmistress."

Millard snorted in an attempt to stifle a laugh and Olive shot him a scolding glare. "I'm sure you'll be fine." Emma said. "If you're lucky, she won't even mention it."

Emma pulled the reins to get the horse to stop and they climbed off. Jake and Emma were walking behind Olive and Millard through the front garden until they reached the entrance to the house, two double doors. They didn't even have to knock because someone was already opening the door. A woman covered in navy blue and smoking a pipe revealed herself.

"Right on time." She said in a husky voice. She pulled out a pocket watch to check before putting it away and holding out a hand. "Miss Peregrine, delighted to meet you." Jake smiled back and shook it before stepping back. "I do hope I'm not going to have the pub landlord knocking on my door with the police again." She continued, looking at Emma, Olive and Millard. "I've had to kill them twice this month. It's been terribly inconvenient."

"Millard broke a few things, that's all." Emma reassured. "And..Olive may have started a tiny fire." She said hesitantly.

Miss Peregrine exhaled a puff of smoke while staring at Emma with a warning glare. "But they were going to hurt Jake." Emma quickly added and Miss Peregrine moved to the side to let the three children in. Jake was about to follow them but Miss Peregrine blocks the door again. Jake can see Cheyenne behind Miss Peregrine and Jake patiently waits to greet Cheyenne while Miss Peregrine continues talking. "Look at you." She sighed, "last time dear Abe sent me a photograph you were just a tiny tot."

"Well don't just stand there come in, your teas getting cold." She invites Jake in.

Jake walks in and Miss Peregrine shuts the doors behind them. They begin walking down the hall toward where Cheyenne was standing. Cheyenne was trying to make her phone work and Miss Peregrine chuckles.

"How did you know about the pub?" Jake asked. His grandpa had always said his headmistress was smart, but Jake wanted to see how smart.

"You weigh approximately 109 pounds, correct?" Miss Peregrine asked.

"I don't.." Jake got cut off.

"Miss Portman returned with Bronwyn and the twins 6 minutes after you ran away."

"I think I'm missing something.."

"And quite apart from the perceived safety of the pub making the most likely place you would flee, it would take you 18 minutes to run there." She said and Jake's jaw is slightly dropped. "Emma, Olive and Millard would've been moments behind on the horse and trap travelling at 8.2 miles per hour. Factoring in some sort of kerfuffle at the pub. And the return journey with your added weight?" She held up her pocket watch. "You would arrive here at 13 minutes past 4."

And it was true, the clock read 15 minutes past 4, because she had talked for 2 minutes. She was a very fast talker. She pulled the watch away and placed it back into her pocket. "Now, then, do you take sugar?" She asked while walking into the kitchen. Jake followed her without question.

But Miss Peregrine stopped and lightly put her hand on Cheyennes arm. "Your modern technology won't work here, dear." She says almost playfully before continuing her walk into the kitchen

Mmm Miss Peregrine 😍😍💕💕‼️‼️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

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