⭬ Chapter XI

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The five all looked up and who had spoken shocked the group. It was Will, smiling and seemingly unharmed.

"Will!" Elizabeth breathed and bolted to him, hugging the young man tightly. "You're all right! Thank God! I came to find you!"

Jack grimaced at the sight and Cata elbowed for the second time that week. But then Will and Elizabeth met in a heated kiss. The other two couples glanced around the island, feeling a bit out of place. And that was when Clara realized that she and James had yet to tell each other that they loved the other, they had yet to hug or kiss. On their last adventure, James stormed into his cabin and passionately kissed her, it seemed as if they had forgotten how to.

Thankfully, Jack, always one to think, interceded. "How did you get here?"

"Sea turtles, mate. A pair of them, strapped to my feet," Will joked.

"Not so easy, is it?"

"But I do owe you thanks, Jack."

"You do?"

"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your debt with Jones, I was reunited with my father."

"Oh, well . . . you're welcome, then."

Elizabeth broke away from Will and stormed at the pirate. "Everything you said to me, every word, was a lie!"

"Pretty much. Time and tide, love."

Cata stepped in front of Jack and held Elizabeth at bay through the hand she shot out. "Do not focus all your anger on Jack. I was there as well, I did nothing to stop either of them."

Jack was shocked Catalina would take part of the blame for him. Elizabeth looked like she was about to burst and he wrapped a protective arm around Cata when the sound of the blade caught their attention. He turned to Will, who knelt at the chest, dagger in hand. "Oi! What are you doing?"

"I'm going to kill Jones."

He pulled his sword out of its sheath and pointed it at Will. "Can't let you do that, William. 'Caus if Jones is dead, who's to call his terrible beastie off the hunt, eh?" For a moment, Will stared at the pirate. Then he slowly stood and placed his dagger back in his belt. "Now, if you please. The key."

Will shifted and then grabbed Elizabeth's sword, brandishing it at the pirate. "I keep the promises I make, Jack. I intend to free my father. I hope you're here to see it."

That was when James pulled out his weapon and the three women knew what was about to happen. "I can't let you do that either. So sorry."

Jack grinned. "I knew you'd warm up to me eventually." But the warm feeling he had stopped when James switched position, the three now creating a triangle with their swords.

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