Ceci Korea, March 2014

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Q: What XOXO album tells about?

Kai: XOXO album tells about a romance relationship between two young people in their teenage years. It's like a puppy love where this person really loves the other person but he or she didn't even know that the person they love is actually playing with their feelings.

Q: Is it more into a confession of their love to that person?

Kai: Yes.

Q: Why there's a song about someone become a wolf?

Kai: It may sounds funny but actually the 'Wolf and Beauty' song tells about a story of guy who wants to protect a girl from danger. But instead, he has a wolf or we simply can call it as a beast side of the guy that he wants to kill her so dearly.

Q: What's the connection of the song and the album?

Kai: As I said earlier, the song is also a confession that the guy loves the girl so much but he knows that the girl hates him so he just switched to his beast side to teach the girl about the consequences of rejecting his love.

Chanyeol: It's more like a psychopath tries to get a girl in exact.

Q: About the song, how are you guys going to perform on the stage since it has a Kpop tunes on it?

Kai: We'll perform it in band as usual but we have our own backup dancers that will dance to the song.

Q: Who's the dancers you will call for your performance?

Chanyeol: SG. They're the group of dancers from our company too.

Q: There's a demo version of The Wolf and The Beauty that was leaked one month earlier from the album release. They said that you guys really don't want this song to be released as you guys sing it badly. Is that true?

Kai: (laughs)

Chanyeol: Actually...um...that was true. We actually don't want this song to be released because if you read the lyrics, it's very cringey. Like...how on earth does someone wants to become a wolf?

Kai: Chanyeol, we should have keep this secret.

Chanyeol: A secret is not meant to be kept if there's a leak song on the Internet.

Q: What's you guys plan for 2014?

Kai: We will release a new album on this year but I won't tell you guys what's the name of this album so just stay tuned for the update.

Q: Any plans for more English songs?

Kai: We will release more English singles in this year and also we will try to create a new music from a new language as well.

Chanyeol: You guys would be excited to hear that.

Q: Will you guys do a concert in this year?

Kai: Definitely. We will have our first concert on this year in Japan. It's the Insomnia Tour that will be held in Tokyo soon.

Q: What's your feeling about this year upcoming plans?

Kai: We're so excited and we can't wait to meet our fans on our very first concert soon!

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