Chapter Five

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I look at the time, 5:35. Right now I was back in my apartment getting ready. I touched up my makeup, curled my hair, and grabbed my guitar. I put it inside its carry case and put it over my shoulders.

"Okay I'm ready." I say trying not to sound nervous.

But that didn't work. I was so nervous! This was my first ever gig! And I always dreamed that my first gig I would be on a little stage in a cafe. I would get on stage and people would watch me perform. Then they would all clap! But another singer is gonna be there too. I don't care they probably suck.

I walk out the door and close it behind me. As I'm walking down to the elevator I hear foot steps behind me. I don't think to look behind me. I just get inside the elevator and close it. It was kinda rude but, I hate riding in elevators with strangers.


I finally arrive at the bar just in time. As I walk in the people's eyes are glued to me. I give them a nervous smile as I walk back stage. As I put my stuff down I see Matt and Jenna waving to me.

"Kendall!" They yell smiling.

"Matt, Jenna!" I yell runing to them and hugging them.

We all group hug. As we pull away they hand me a bouquet of white roses. My favourite type of flower.

"Aww guys! Thank you so much." I say smiling down at my flowers.

"Of course." Jenna says smiling.

"Anything for the bestie!" Matthew says.

I smile as I put down my flowers by my bag and take my guitar out.

"Guys you should go take a seat now. I don't think you're alowed to be back here." I say.

"Okay but before we leave, who else is performing?" Matt asks.

"I don't know probably some stupid-" I start but I'm stopped.

I look behind Jenna and Matt and see the boy with the guitar. The one who lives like two doors down from me.

"Who are you looking at?" Jenna asks.

She looks behind her and smiles.

"Oh it's guitar hottie." She says sooo loud!

The boy turns and chuckles.

"Well at least that's what you call him." Jenna says embarssing me more.

"Okay bye have fun!" Jenna says pulling Matt away smirking.

He looks at me as I'm blushing like crazy

"She was j-just kidding." I stutter.

"I don't mind. Hey don't you live in my building?" He asks chuckling.

"Yes I do." I say smiling like a dork.

"Oh I remeber you! When I first moved in I smiled to you." He says smiling.

"I remeber you too." I say.

He laughs and takes out his guitar.

"Well you're really funny. Hi I'm Shawn." He says putting his hand out.

"Hi I'm Kendall." I say shaking his so soft hands.

He smiles as we both put our hands down. We then both get our guitars and just chat. I really liked Shawn! He was so nice!


"Hold on one sec I got a text." I say laughing at what he just said.

"Okay." He says trying to contain his laughter.

Kendall, Cameron (Text)

Cameron: Where the fuck are you?! It's fucking 6:30 and you're not here. You just made a big mistake.

As I read the text I gasp in horror. I completly forgot about what Cameron told me.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asks worried.

I don't answer him, I just sit there with tears brimming my eyes.

"Kendall?" Shawn asks putting a hand on my back.

"I-I need to use the bathroom." I stutter getting up and walking to the bathroom.

As I walk away I can feel Shawn's eyes on me the whole time. As I reached the bathroom, I cried. I didn't know what to do! And I knew I was in big trouble.


I look down and scream.

Cameron: I know where you are, and I am coming to get you. You better not fucking move.

I slump down to the floor and sob. What was I gonna do? I'm fucking dead.

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