Chapter Thirteen

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(A week later)

I lazily open my eyes and roll over onto my back. I squeeze my eyes shut from pain. Oh yeah! Great news, I started my period. Which was actually great news because that meant I wasn't pregnant.

"Owww!" I yell in pain holding my stomach.

But the thing that always sucked, was the cramps.

I finally get up and walk to the bathroom. I quickly do my business and get dressed for the day. I pick out blue jeans, a white blouse, and a maroon cardigan. I then slip on my back boots, with a bit of a heel on the bottom.

(Knock, knock)

I quickly jog to the door. I open to see Shawn. He had on black jeans, and a red and black flannel.

"Shawn...hey." I greet him.

"Kendall....can you talk now?" He asks with pleading eyes.

I stand there staring at him. Debating wether I should listen to what he has to say.

"Sure, come on in." I say stepping aside.

Shawn steps in and I close the door behind him. I walk into the kitchen and Shawn follows.

"I'm gonna take a pill really quick." I say trying to reach into my cabinet.

I finally grab the right pills and pop them open. I take the pill with some water. I then look to Shawn.

"You can talk now." I say taking a seat at the kitchen table.

"I-I just want to say I'm sorry about this whole thing." He says taking a seat as well.

"Sorry about?" I ask.

"About what I said." He says looking at me.

I look down and nod. I was getting more and more upset by the minute. He was to late.

"I didn't mean it. I...just didn't want to say something else if you didn't feel the same. But, I really like you Kendall." He says taking my hand.

I look at our hands and smile. I then look up at Shawn. He has a small smile on his face. I then remember and start to frown.

"What's wrong?" He asks worried.

"You're too late." I whisper with a tear going down my face.

"Too late? What do you- Cameron." He says standing up.

"You're back together with him." He says hurt.

"Yes-" I start but Shawn interrupts me.

"Are you that desperate? Because of what I said you just go back to him?" He yells.

"Shawn, I swear it's not like that." I say standing up.

"No stop, I don't want to get talk to you right now." He says walking out of the kitchen and out the door.

"Shawn! Please let me explain!" I yell running after him.

"Then explain?" He says angrily in the door frame.

"I-I....can't." I say tearing up.

"I knew it." He says walking across the hall.

I start to cry as he leaves.

"Just to let you know, I really like you Kendall. We haven't known each other long but...I really fell for you." He whispers a tear rolling down his cheek.

He then closes the door. I slump to the floor and cry. I pull my knees close to my body and cry into them.


Cameron: Hey we are going to dinner tonight. Jack is joining us. He needs a date so if you have anyone, bring them.

I read the text and my sadness turns into anger. It was all Cameron's fucking fault! He had ruined whatever Shawn and I had! And I'm done of keeping it in. It was finally time.

"Taxi!" I yell waving my hands in the air.

One pulls over right away. I smile and get in.

"Where to miss?" The driver asks.

"15th street. The black and gray apartments." I say and he nods taking off.

After about 10 minutes we arrive to my destination. I give him a few dollars and I'm on my way. I go to the elevator and push the 12th floor. I finally arrive to apartment A13.

"Knock, knock!" I yell.

I hear running of the feet and Jenna opens with a big smile in her face.

"Kendall!" She smiles hugging me.

"Hey Jenna. We need to talk." I say walking in.

As I put my purse down I see Matt on his phone. He looks up and smiles.

"Kendall hey!" He smiles getting up and hugging me.

"Hey..well okay everyone is here so that's good." I say.

"What do you mean?" Jenna asks.

" guys should sit down." I say and they look at me confused.

The slowly make there way to the couch and they sit down.

" are scaring me." Matt says with a concerned look on his face.

"Well...what I'm about to tell you is pretty scary." I say quietly.

"Kendall..just tell us. You are really making us scared." Jenna says concerned as well.

I take a deep breath and let it out shakily.

" me!" I yell not containing my tears.

Jenna and Matt sit there speechless. I then pull up my sleeves allowing them to see all my bruises.

"Kendall....oh my god." Jenna says covering her mouth with a tear slipping out.

"I'm gonna fucking beat his ass!" Matt says with tears welling in his eyes.

"No! Matthew Lee Espinosa, you will never tell a living soul about this!" I say scared.

"Kendall what are you taking about? We have to tell the police!" He yells.

"No! This is a secret! If you tell anyone I will get hurt.....and so will you guys." I say with the tears streaming down my face.
I felt bad you guys go! ☺️😏


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