no shitpost here

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A boy steps in to a dark room, the room being formed up of anything he could imagine. The boy looked around, and saw nobody but him was there. He took this as an opportunity, a chance, to do whatever he desires.

The boy, a 16 year old named Jack (oOOoOooO OC TIMEEEEE), had never really seen his family, as they had died in a riot fighting for peace upon the Republic of Nusia after they had slaughtered countless innocents during a disease purge.

The people associated with the infected were deemed disgraces and thus killed off, and those were his parents. They never killed children, or anyone below 18. Though the age of consent was 20.

"Wow, heh... Guess i really can put anything here, eh?" "Alright, i guess i'll put... THIS!"

He magically fabricated a fridge full of monster energy cans and a very high tech gaming pc, something he never had. All he had was a phone and laptop, the laptop of which was made by the leading company in Nusia, but the laptop... kind of sucked. He could only go on newgrounds and YouTube, never what he wanted. Oh, and very very very very very very very very fast wifi.

"I've gotta figure out how to work this universal operating system works... It's from... The united states? What's that? Eh, whatever..."

He began to start the computer, and gamed his life away.

(That's all!) ((237 words))

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2024 ⏰

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