🌸Chapter |21

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🌸 | Jennie POV | 🌸

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🌸 | Jennie POV | 🌸

As Lisa left to who knows where, I was getting worried because she wouldn't just leave without a reason. The party was nearly over and guests were saying their goodbyes and saying how they enjoyed the party of the triplets.
I was looking at where Lisa was and she apparently stopped at a place.

I used google maps to know just where exactly she was and it lead me to a familiar house.
Mina's house...

Why did Lisa go to meet Mina? Wait now that I think about it she didn't even come to the party.
Maybe something happened the prevent her?
Gosh I don't know, I'll just ask Lisa when she comes home. I sighed as I put my phone away and go to bid goodbyes to the guests that were leaving since it was late already.

"Oh where is your husband Mrs. Kim-Manoban?"
Said a male guest along with his wife and child that was friends with Chiquita.
I told them that she had something business related to do and apologized to be unable to give her farewells. They understood and bid their respects to our family and said farewell.

After doing the same with other guests that were leaving they had all left. The triplets were in their room changing into their sleeping wear.
While outside in the back heard where the party was hosted was people packing and cleaning the stuff up. I told them to take any left over food and drinks since it would be a waste and they all thanked me for giving them permission.

I checked the time on my phone and how late it was getting. I checks if Lisa was coming back but she was still at Mina's house.
I bit the side of my lips because I called again yet no answer from Lisa. Just why isn't she answering me back?

I called Mina but it sent me straight to voicemail.
Just what's going on!? I don't want to overthink things, I know nothings going on and it's just me being paranoid.
I inhale and exhale with deep breaths.
I go to our master bedroom and took a shower to let my mind at ease from overthinking and changed into my red nightgown to go to sleep.

"Mommy!!!" I heard in the baby monitor.
Yes, I still use it since the kids room is a bit far and we use the baby monitor to call each other.
I had gone to their room kissing them good night and asked where their father Lisa was.
I told them that she had to go to the company and would be back. They said that when she returns she had to kisses them good night even if they were asleep with her returns.

My phone rings as I was making my way to our bedroom and it was Lisa.

L: Sorry I couldn't answer Hon, there was something I had to do but I took care of it.
I'm coming home in a few.

J: Hashhh, Lisa you better give me a good explanation. The guests that were leaving kept asking why you weren't there to tell them farewell and I had to tell the kids you'd gone to the company and would soon come back.
Also they said to give them a kiss good night when you come back.

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