Prologue: Origins of Tridaire

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The world was once not a world at all, it was just void. This was known as the Yufaz, the void that filled all and everything that tried to come from it was swallowed in the darkness dissolving into nothingness. However, at the very beginning, a time the people barely know about, something strange happened that was unforeseen. Something arose from Yufaz, no one knows how it came to be, just that it was. It was the deity Kiznase, born of unknown light, and with a heart of iron to overcome the hand of darkness.

This gave him great power and led him to create the world known as Tridaire. As he created the world, he added many things. Flowing rivers, mountains as tall as you can imagine, and even fresh-smelling oceans that all hope to see. Whilst adding all of those magnificent sights, Kiznase added four main races who all have intelligence, Humans, Unisaki, Seatra, and the Najir.

Humans are people with the ability to be corrupted but also the ability to be kind. The Unisaki, made of stone and wander Tridaire making homes in the ground and mountains, valuing family above all else. The Naji, have wings and take residence in the tall wonders of the world, breathing wind into the sky and moving the clouds as they form. Finally the Seatra, sealike people who rule the ocean shores and rivers of Tridaire but have a habit of staying out of worldly affairs. After 5 days, as Kiznase made all these amazing creations that one would forever marvel at, he was growing tired. He needed a long rest, the creation of Tridaire, and resisting the power of the void, he had grown weak. He used the last of his efforts to create four protectors, one to watch over each race, they were declared the Poltera. He created Halika, Gazon, Majin, and Laki to protect this world of his and battle potential foes for him until he was strong enough to come back to Tridaire.

As he created his four protectors, he faded into the void. Promising that one day, if they were to ever really need him, he would find his way back to them. The four protectors were dropped onto the lands of Tridaire and they saw that each race was already starting to create little towns for themselves. It was something to marvel at and they wanted to see it grow. The Poltare needed to decide who they each were going to look over. The final decision was quick and unimposed. Halika, a protector valued for her immense heart, would look over the Unisaki. Gazon, valued for his incredible ambition was declared protector of the human realm. Majin, for his astute understanding and knowledge of Tridaire, was the protector of the Najir. At last Laki for his wisdom will swim and protect the Seatra.

For hundreds of years, all the races thrived and flourished. The four Poltera helping, providing, and waiting for Kiznase's return to Tridaire. Everything was at peace, at least until something no one expected happened to the race of humans. Gazon, the protector of humans, was fed up with repelling the foolishness and corruption of humans. He turned away from the human race and traveled to unknown lands. To which he named Masangand, he experimented and created monstrous beings called The Pitergasts. Pitergasts are real Hulk-type creatures, weighing over 300 pounds and hitting like a boulder. He created an army of thousands and built his fortress of doom in Masangand. In year 350 he marched in on the human realm and its capital city, Esterron. This was the mark of the first Age of Tridaire.. where a normal peasant man worked with the protectors and was appointed as the first human king. 

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