People I'm sorry

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Hello my readers, this is BBYamato123, I'm sorry for my unexpected hiatus within these story

I was procrastinating and I now had a new phone though I was procrastinating again but I'm making a Chapter now so expect for that lads. Before I was using my Mother's Phone but now, I have phone but still could not get off my Procrastination and also lost my motivation but School is boring and basically you could do things in break liberally and thus to cure my boredom. I will try my best to write chapters. Though slowly, I probably getting my motivation back.

So my apologies again for the unexpected hiatus. I will try my best to update with new chapters.

Thank you for your considerations.

I will make it up to y'all with this new chapters so enjoy.

(P.S, I might slow down in my Upload Schedule so beware of that)

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