Back to Square One

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(Y/n) is the best animal behaviorist known worldwide. So there was no surprise that she got an invitation to go to Isla Nublar but there was something different about this island than any other country that she couldn't pass up. She was selected to go there to have an opportunity to study the behaviors of dinosaurs with an assistant by her side. She was super excited to go see the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were her favorite animals and she always admire how long they survived on this planet before humans even existed. She was that obsessed with dinosaurs that her favorite movie series is The Land Before Time when she was little. Dinosaurs were the reason she wanted to be an animal behaviorist because how interesting they were about their actions and their reasonings of why animal do certain things that human won't understand.

------------couple long hours of traveling later--------------------------

The boat was sailing across the blue ocean waves, (Y/n) was just admiring how beautiful the water looks with a glass of champagne when a kid shouted,"Look Mom, there it is!!" and everyone came running towards the edge of the deck to see what the commotion was about.  In the horizon, there it was. Isla Nublar well known as Jurassic World.

As (Y/n) stepped off the boat, she noticed that there were was a man waiting for her as he hold up a sign that said "(Y/l/n)". She doesn't know much about what she was doing in Jurassic World but all she knows is that everything was going to be exclaimed by a man named Owen Grady. She's guessing that this Mister Owen is going to be her assistant. She's doesn't know what she signed up for. She walked up to the man and said "That's me. I'm (Y/l/n).(Y/Full/n)." "Well hello Miss  (L/n) and welcome to Jurassic World. My name is Paul.Now would you please follow me and your questions will be answered when we get to our destination." "Alright, lead the way." and with that said the man takes in a vehicle and off they went into the jungle.

Paul and (Y/n) have reached their destination of what looks like an arena somewhat. As (Y/n) steps out of the car, she noticed two men walking down the stairs and they both looked upset. One was chubby and looks very uptight and strict to the other guy. The other man was tall, quite buff, and very charming. Hopefully the charming man was her assistant.

"What's up those stairs Paul?" (Y/n) asked curiously. " Those stairs leads you to a great view of the dinosaurs miss." "What kind of dinosaurs?" "Velociraptors." Right when he said that there was a squeal coming from the building and a scrawny young man ran up the stairs and yelled " Sir the animal got out of its cage." Oh my (Y/n) thought she has to go see this. "Um I think you shouldn't go up there miss. That's restricted." Paul informed but her curiosity got the best of her and she ran up the stairs and followed the scrawny man.

Big mistake.

You got to the man side and watched how he used a control pole to capture the pig. He needs to be careful she thought to herself. He was at the edge. Suddenly, he fell over the edge of the bar and (Y/n) caught his hand but he pulled you both down into the cage of meat eating velociraptors.

As (Y/n) and the man get try to get on their feet, the man grabbed her hand and yelled "RUN!!" and with that you both ran like there was no tomorrow but got cut off by a blue velociraptor. The rest of them came running behind (Y/n) and the man and they were all surrounded. This is it (Y/n) thought. She's going to die right here from the most rarest creatures and it was just her first day in Jurassic World.

Suddenly a gate opens up and runs up the charming man in front of them and this caught both the man and (Y/n) off guard. "Stand back." Did he just command the velociraptors to back off questioned (y/n). "Pssh." She turns around and see a black male standing on the other side of the opened gate. "Walk over here, slowly." The man whispered. They walked back to the gate slowly as the man tries to distract the velociraptors.

(Y/n) and the guy made it to the other side of the opened gate as quickly but as slowly as they can. They waited for the tall guy to come over with them but what he said shocked all three of the them. "Closed the gate." he commanded. "What?! Aren't you crazy?!" the black male argued. "Just do it!" He yelled back. The black male pushed the button and gate starts to close down. "What?! Are you insane?! Your just going to let him die?!?" (Y/n) yelled at him. She knows that she never met these people but what they are doing is not okay.

What happened next was unexpected. As the man in tries to calm down the velociraptors and telling them to stay back, he ran and slides underneath the gate right before it closes. "You guys ok?" asked as he gets up and dust off some dirt from his pants. "Yeah."
the scrawny man replied. "Did you ever wonder why there was an opening?" (Y/n) didn't notice the scrawny man was sitting down and having his back against the cage. The man shook his head no and what the man that saved them both said next scared them both. "Watch your back."

Paul came in the just in time, the man was starting to scare her. "Wow that was impressive mister Owen." "Thanks Paul." "Oh Owen I would like you to meet (F/n) , the worlds best animal behaviorist." Owen started at Stephanie which made her a bit uncomfortable but she was mesmerized of how handsome Owen was. "Hello, I'm Owen Grady." Owen introduced himself as he sticks out his hand towards her. "Hi, Owen. I'm (Y/n)." Oh my gosh have I been holding my breath this whole time?! question (Y/n) deep in thought. "You must be the my assistant. Well just to make things clear, you may know a lot of animal behaviors but these raptors are a whole other thing. You might have to rethink what learned in school kid because this is a whole new ball park. Got it?" "I understand." "Good. Well, this is going to be fun." as he smirked and gave her a wink and walked away.

Well back to square one I guess (Y/n)  though to herself.

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