Story 1.2: All men together shall be

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I landed a couple meters away from my assembly place and already encounterd some catgirls. I slowly raised my AK-12 and fired a shot. After that shot more and more shots started to be heard. I started to run to my assembly place that is a barn where i needed to wait for 12 more men. When i got there i saw some friendlies getting sorounded by 20 catgirls i got to my men and started firing twards the horde of catgirls. Then 1 minute in 2 more friendlies came out of the forest nearby. We got into the barn and started holding off any chokepoints it had. There were more catgirls coming out of forest. Then we saw all of the other mercenaries in the forest and came into the barn. After 5 more minutes all of the catgirls stoped coming.
- Good job holding off the barn. Sargent said.
- Thank you, should we call an airdrop for some ammo? we used almost all of it. I said.
- Good idea, im going to get the radioman to call in the aidrop. Sargeant said.
- Ahem, i am the radioman. I said.
- Oh sorry, i have mistaken you as pvt. Ryan. Sargeant said.
- Ill let that slide. I said.
2 hours later after we called the airdrop, the airdrop arived. We restocked on ammo and got ready to move to the neighbourhood as we went trough the dense forest we saw bodies of civilans that tried to flee from the neighbourhood.

Part 1.3 coming soon

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