Epilogue - Caleb

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The days turned into years, and my thirst for revenge burned relentlessly within me. It should have been my life extinguished that day, left behind to die in that forsaken ditch. The bitter thought lingered as I emerged from the depths, determined to make them pay for what they had done.

For two long years, I roamed the unforgiving woods, driven by an unwavering mission to find them—the brothers who had left me behind. In my solitary journey, I stumbled upon another survivor, a soul who had also sought solace amidst the wilderness. Sharing my tale of betrayal and longing for retribution, we formed an unlikely alliance, vowing to unveil the truth.

Together, we scoured the land, traversing treacherous paths and endless nights until, at last, we discovered their camp. The setting sun cast an eerie glow as we approached, wielding our knives against the trunks of trees, drawing them out into our carefully laid trap.

Fate favoured our vengeful hearts, for it was Owen and William who answered the call, their footsteps echoing through the dimming light. As the confrontation unfolded, fury surged within me, overpowering Owen in a battle that mirrored the pain and rage I had harboured for so long. But a glance in the midst of my triumph revealed my friend, overpowered and in peril.

A split-second decision guided my steps, urging me to forsake the final blow against Owen. With a swift turn, I raced toward my companion, plunging my knife deep into William's back, silencing him forever. The taste of bitter victory mingled with the air, a cruel reminder of the deeds that led us to this tragic moment.

But the battle was far from over. As I yanked my knife free, a searing pain erupted through my back. Owen, fueled by his own thirst for justice, retaliated, slashing at my cheek. Blood dripped down my face, a crimson testament to the scars we bore, both seen and unseen.

In that fleeting moment, as darkness loomed and chaos consumed us, my surviving ally and I made a choice—a desperate retreat into the depths of the unforgiving woods. Our paths diverged, driven by separate destinies and the weight of our individual vendettas.

And so, I vanished into the night, a phantom of wrath and sorrow, forever haunted by the betrayal that tore our family asunder. The woods welcomed me once more, enveloping me in their embrace, as I embarked on a new chapter, guided by the echoes of the past and the unquenchable fire burning within.

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