4 - Talk

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Lila gets up and they continue the drills before heading inside

Lila doesn't go to the gym

She instead stays on the pitch

Lila calls Chloe

Chloe answers

Over the phone:

Chloe: Hey Lils. Everything ok?
Lila: Not really.
Chloe: What's happened?
Lila: I'm struggling. I keep remembering the hate I got back when I--
Chloe: Lils. You know I'm here for you.
Lila: Yeah.
Chloe: Have you told your Mum?
Lila: No. I don't want her to worry. She's already asked Leah to keep an eye on me. Like I didn't feel like I was in Leahs shadow enough.

There's a silence

Chloe: Have you told any of the girls?
Lila: No. I can't bring myself to.
Chloe: You told us about you and Alessia.
Lila: I'm not telling Lessi. She wouldn't understand.
Chloe: Lils you need to tell someone. Someone that isn't me.
Lila: I know. Its just hard.
Chloe: It's always gonna be difficult. But how did it feel when you got it off your chest last time?
Lila: It felt way better. I'll tell Leah.
Chloe: Good. I'm here for you if you need me.
Lila: Thanks Chlo.
Chloe: It's no problem Lils. Bye.
Lila: Bye.

Lila ends the call

Alessia comes and sits with her

Alessia: What's on your mind baby?
Lila: * sighs* Just things..... * fidgets with her fingers* Things from the past.
Alessia: What like?
Lila: You probably wouldn't know or understand.
Alessia: Tell me.
Lila: I uh..... I was still playing football with City, it started at a match against Liverpool, the crowd booed me whenever I had the ball. It only got worse to the point where I'd make myself puke. They called me names, like "Bitch.", "Faggot." the list goes on, they said mean things too, like "She's too fat and need to lose weight.", "She's not good at football", "She's only playing football because my sister is Leah.", "She'll never be as good as her sister.", "She can't even play properly."..... It got so bad that I started leaving training early. I never talked to any of the girls or my family, including Leah for long. My messages were short. I never wanted to call, mainly on FaceTime. I felt disgusting. I believed what they were saying. I was making myself puke almost every night after training or after a game. Soon the girls started to notice how deteriorated I was, and finally spoke up for me. After I told them what was going on they helped me feel better. They kept checking in. They helped me tell my family. Jacob was so mad about it, he left the house. Mum got me to talk to someone, a therapist, about everything. But the fans didn't stop. At the next match, against Arsenal, I was booed at and they continued their actions. Saying mean things to the point where both teams agreed to stop the match. I was sent off for a break and the girls waited until I was back. The match resumed but they continued. It felt like I was being dragged down by everything. I felt heavy. My chest felt tighter. I broke down on the pitch after falling down and hurting my ankle. Both teams agreed to stop the match. I sat in the centre of the pitch. Ellen, Chloe, Lauren, Georgia and Leah surrounded me. Chloe and Ellen told me not to listen to it and that it wasn't true. Leah and Lauren practically death stared the crowd. G spoke to them along with Chloe. The fans stopped afterwards realising the effect they had on me and they haven't done anything since. But every now and again I remember it. And it's like it's engraved in my mind. This little voice tells me everything they said. Sometimes worse things. * has tears in her eyes and her voice breaks* I hate it because it scares me. I don't want it to happen again Less. I'm worried I'd do something worse than just making myself throw up. And I hate to think I would.
Alessia: * grabs her hand* I'm sorry that happened to you baby.
Lila: * lowers her head and starts crying*
Alessia: Hey. * pulls Lila onto her lap (so Lila's straddling her) and wraps her arms tightly around Lilas waist* It's ok.
Lila: * cries into the crook of Alessias neck*
Alessia: * kisses her cheek* I'm here for you. Listen to me..... Because you need to know this..... You are so beautiful. Your so kind, your so strong. You. Are. Enough. If it takes me telling you that everyday for you to believe it then I will. I will tell you. You don't have to be in Leahs shadow. You are your own person. Don't let yourself be torn down by words that aren't true. Only you can be the bigger person. Don't let them get to you. And if they do. You've got me and everyone else to lean on. We can help you.
Lila: * cries*
Alessia: Baby you are the most amazing person ever. None of them can do what you do in a day. None of them can get up at 5am just to start working as hard as possible. None of them can run like you can on a football pitch. None of them can care as much as you do for everyone you love. You are so much better than what they've made you think you are.

Once Lila calms down, Alessia takes her home

They get inside Lila and Leahs house

Alessia: Will you be ok on your own?
Lila: Can you stay?
Alessia: Of course I can.
Lila: Good. Because I wasn't gonna let you leave. * hugs her*
Alessia: * hugs back*

To be continued..........

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