Part 2: Preparation for the storm

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(Get ready to see this video the next 2 chapters or so... and the storm will be different)

Ana KetsunoToday at 11:23 am, we brought you news of Union City and we have footage of Akeno , Mineta, Denki, Lars and Mira from Union academy and they have been caught of August 23, 2029 at 2 am in the morning we cannot show you full video of it, but as you see they have been having fun in the secret sex train for a few hours  

(This is her 

(This is her 

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News reporter : Thanks to an anonymous source, this expose Union academy behind the scenes of their mischiefs. Huh? what that? okay... Ahem Rasper from Union academy likes to speak on currently events on this situation, put him in the speaker

Rasper : Hello everyone from Union City, I am Rasper Nightomare  and apart of the student council member of this school. I'm sorry that I haven't see it myself or I don't even want to see it that these people have the AUDACITY to go and claim themselves "Heroes of Tomorrow"  when they did to you! But, do not worry my people of Union city I will go and fix this problem and they will serve with an huge punishment and see I can do. Please give me time, I beg of you Union city (Rasper hung up the call)

Ana Ketsuno: There you have it, Union academy will address this problem and they will serve with an huge problem, so give Rasper the student council member of Union Academy some time and he will fix things up. In other news....

Meanwhile in the Headmasters office

(Everyone was present expect for Hanzo and the ninja masters) 

Sirzechs: Rasper...

Rasper: What?

Chisato: Why would you do the report that we will arrange with this problem? 

Rasper: Because as apart of the student council, it is my job to make sure to not make any students go to the wrong path of life and there are going to be heroes of tomorrow, so why not? I already told this to my president and she agree with the current situation.  

Nezu : I see, excellent work Rasper 

Rasper: The pleasure is all mine, Thank you Nezu

Sirzechs:: I don't have the time for this, Rasper. We have to do with them first.

Rasper: Hmm, it will be easy to suspended them for a whole month and revoke there licenses 

Chisato: What? 

Nezu: Hmm, I do agree on him on this one Sirzechs (he sips his tea) 

Sirzechs: Your pushing your luck, Rasper. It can't be proof that the - 

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