Part 3: The calm before the storm

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(In a meeting room, Sequel to the other chapter) 

Sirzechs: So they started moving....

Hanzo: Indeed they have...

Chisato: We need to start training the students harder than before! We maybe strong but it's better to say safe than sorry

Nezu: (he sips his tea wonderfully as saying nothing) 

(The headmasters agrees as the two students where left confused) 

Sirzechs: you two did an excellent jobs, you two are dismiss. 

Tannet: Huh?

(Rg= Random girl)

Rg#89: Huh?

(The students are confused and wondering why is happening but they soon get their answers so they were dismissed for the moment) 

Sirzechs then bring up the diagram of cities destroyed by the Nightmare walker.   

Sirzech: The cities we build by hand and magic has been reduced to atoms like it never existed in the first place

Hanzo: I agree with the young fellow, In our part the elite ninjas we send was only brought back as damaged and were afraid to speak for couple of weeks after they commited seppuku without letting anyone know 

Chisato: How did you know there were dead? 

Kurokage: After we were done talking with the elites which is mostly of our men,  and a few days pass by we hear an scream and ran to elites room as we saw they killed themselves 

(From your author: Please don't commit seppuku in real life, or anything like that this is fanfic story which means it's not real to begin with. Also, I know some of you play the game of "Senran Kagura Shinovi Verus" or heard of it and I make him alive for this story) 

Chisato: Impossible, they are elites shinobis even an dog can't track of there smell!

Hanzo: That is right, but from our elite men shinobis to make this out of their mental state to commited seppuku.... the only way I think was.... YOU  (he points at Chisato)

(the devil nurse teacher was confused) 

Chisato: Me? What? I didn't do anything! 

Hanzo: I see, so the nightmare walker can transform could it...

Sirzechs: This is one problematic fella, we are facing... 

Sirzechs: But, anything to report Chisato?

Chisato: Well... one of our member from my group seems to be kidnapped by Nightmare walker

As Nezu drinks his tea 

Nezu: Is it perhaps... Zest, I presume?

Chisato: How could you know? 

Nezu: From our hero side of the academy,  we make found some interesting "stuff" laying around especially room 332 in the dorms (as he sips his tea) 

Sirzechs: What are you saying, that we don't know Nezu? 

Nezu: fu fu fu, you may never know what "plans" might leave there 

Hanzo: ... ( As he looks at Nezu drinking peacefully of his tea) 

Kurokage: We're getting off the topic of the nightmare walker 

Sirzechs: Yes, since it came to this we will send our groups and students out of the battlefield

Sirzechs: But, I can't do the reckless around here I need to be agree to do this 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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