Chapter 2

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"Here's your pizza delivery! Thank you for ordering from our pizzeria. Enjoy your food~! Have a nice evening!"

He smiled and waved goodbye, jumped on his bike and drives to the next delivery location. His cheerfulness also infects others with a good mood. Maybe happiness will be rewarded, he thought to himself. Thats his work mantra. Be nice to others and they'll be nice to you. Even tho he know that's not always the case. But it works for his job.

Speaking of his job. Its just convenient to work as a Pizza delivery. His roommate works a lot to research about suspicious activities from villains and heroes, and so does he. Just driving past by a lot of people is enough to gather a lot of new information about rumors and secrets. It couldn't be easier for him. The only difficulty at his job is to avoid the police and heroes. It'll be a hassle if they recognized him somehow. Til yet it was easy to avoid them. Maybe his boss did help him out secretly? Even he didn't know his boss was actually on his side supporting him from behind the curtains. Hoping these peaceful days will last long for him and his roommate.

He arrived at his destination, jumping down from his bike, carrying the pizza boxes to the door of a closed bar, knocking on the door. He prepared his cheerful manner to greet the customers only to witness a loud crashing sound inside the building, followed by angry voices.

"Can you please not destroy any interior for once?!"

"Guys shut the fuck up, its the pizza delivery!"

It wasn't actually the first time he witnessed such a chaos so he stayed calm and waited for the door to be opened.

"Ah hello. Sorry, we didn't want to scare you away."

"Ah no problem. Is everything ok inside there?"

"Yeah everything's ok. Just a bunch of crazy people."

"Alright then. Here's your big order. Thanks for ordering from our Pizzeria. Enjoy your food."

"Thanks. Your place actually has the best pizzas. Keep the change, you deserved it. Also cool to see you again. You're actually really nice for a delivery man. Most of them are really grumpy when we order food this late."

"I always work this late so thats fine with me. And I'm always friendly to our customers, no matter what happens. A little bit of happiness is good for the day, even if it's just a small thing considering today's times. Everyone already has enough problems in everyday life. If I can make someone happy, I'm happy too. And good food makes a lot of people happy."

"Yeah true words. My friends are like little angry gremlins all day but when they get food, they are happy and quiet."

"Dabi, can you stop flirting with the delivery man and give us our food already?!!"

"See? Never wasting an opportunity to embarrass me infront others. Sorry for that."

"All good. Sounds like a lot of fun friends actually. Now then, I have to get to the next customers. Was really cool to talk to you again. Surely we see us next time if you order food again. Have a nice evening."

"Thanks, same to you. Bye."

The door got closed, the delivery man got back on to his bike and left to the next destination, slightly giggling about his witness. Some people sure are interesting. He met the certain customer four days ago, but without the chaos behind his back. A cool guy with crazy friends sounds fun to him. Maybe because he didn't have a lot of friends for himself. But it didn't mind him, he appreciates his peaceful time at home with his roommate. Speaking of her....

He stopped for a second on the side of the road to write a short chat message to this certain woman. Just to make sure if she's ok. But he didn't have time to wait for the reply, customers are waiting for their food order. He'll check on his phone later. 3 more deliveries and then work's done for today.

After every delivery he took a few seconds time to check his phone. But no reply. Maybe she's already sleeping. Or she passed out again. Did she forget her medicine again?? He felt a bit uneasy. He always worry about her wellbeing. She's a strong woman but with a weakly immune system. However, his daily check-ups with her only extend to short calls or text messages. And at the moment she hardly responds anymore. Would his boss give him a few days off? Or maybe he should switch his work time to early work hours, just for a short time periode. Gathering information about rumors and secrets works really well at night time, but on the other hand he could help her with research at home. He'll talk with his boss about it.

After the last food delivery, he didn't care to ride back to the pizzeria, a short text message to his colleagues will do the thing. He really cared more about his roommate's wellbeing. She didn't respond to his 5 calls, that worries him even more. He took a lot of shortcuts on his way back home, nearly colliding with a passerby. Hurriedly putting his bike into the storage room, he leaped up all the stairs to his apartment, knocking on the door and calling out to his roommate. But no response from the other side. It wasn't the first time he broke into his own apartment by lockpicking the door lock. He could use his quirk to move inside but the smoke detector in this apartment building were really sensitive and he didn't want to cause chaos at this ungodly late hours. To his expectation, the woman was lying unresponsive on the floor in the middle of the apartment. Others would be in panic but not him. It wasn't the first time after all, sadly this happens occasionally. With a heavy sigh, he picked her up while closing the door and l tucked her into the bed with soft bedsheets. Shortly touching her forehead, another heavy sigh left his lungs. Her skin was burning up like it was on fire. In search for a towel, he dialed the phone number of his work place, tucking his phone between shoulder and ear so he can prepare things for his roommate.

"Ah yeah sorry to call this late. I need two days off. Also just asking could we switch work hours for 2 weeks? .....Really? Oh thanks buddy, you're the best! Can you just ask the boss beforehand if it's ok with him?....yeah? Ok thanks for everything, I owe you something! everything's under control here, don't worry. Yeah thanks again buddy, bye."

He stayed silent for a while, until he sighed in relief. 2 days off plus two days weekend is enough time to help his roommate through her sickness. Hopefully it doesn't take longer. Normally she's already fine on day 3 to 4. But if it's just a fever then she'll be fine in 2 days. Also he worked overtime for over 2 months now so he could save himself some free days off. He rarely uses them anyway.

After taking care of the woman, he just realized a sound coming from the living room. The TV was on. He fetched himself some food and a glass of water and sat on the couch curiously wanting to see why she turned on the TV. And now he understood why she got a fever. It was just a trauma response of her body. The TV screen glowing in dangerous red colors, the late night News showing images of a destroyed building caught up in fire. Gladly it wasn't the orphanage and he himself didn't recognize the surrounding buildings that caught up in fire but aside from that, just the news of a major fire was enough to scare his roommate into a trauma response. She told him about her past and ever time he thinks about that conversation for a short second, he himself felt really angry and mad. And that's the reason both of them won't trust any pro heroes anymore. They'll sacrifice their loved ones fo the greater good, but a villain will sacrifice everything for their loved ones. Except that both of them don't really approve of the villains' actions either. Anti heroes you could say, such as vigilantes. Just you won't see them in action obviously. Like a ghost, working in the dark, behind closed curtains.

"Gina Hoshikuzu and Kemuri Kakusu. These two have been missing for years, if you witness anything please contact the police immediately. Even the smallest clue could help us bring them both home safely. Every help is graciously rewarded. The police will thank you for any help. You too could save a life today. For further information please read on our homepage or in teletext."

"Yeah right as if....they're cruel enough to make profit of two missing people. Better to be gone forever....."

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