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"Arnav. We are getting late. Hurry up.."screamed Anjali,the elder sister of Arnav Singh Raizada..

Arnav glared at her. She was the one who was always late. He had to go to her room to bring her cell phone for her. Otherwise her dear husband would eat his head..

"Anjali Sharma. If you don't mind me asking. Why do you apply so much lipstick to go to temple? Is your God going to kiss you? Are you cheating on Rahul with God?"Arnav asked teasing her as she sat on the passenger seat..

"Omg. Arnav Babua..You figured it out? Shh.. Donot tell anyone okay. It's a little awkward,you know"said Anjali seriously and looked at him.

He was already smiling ear to ear. And both brust out laughing..

She wiped her tears,it gave her cramps. That was them. Anjali and Arnav.

"Chhote. Remember to pick Dad up from Airport. Otherwise he is going to eat your head"said Anjali as she got down.

Rahul was going to pick her up,on his way back from hospital. He was a doctor afterall. Arnav nodded and drove up. As he drove up,gone was the happy smile of Arnav. Poker face was back.

"Aman. Any lead?"Arnav asked as he drove his car to the parking..

"No ASR. It seems she has disappeared from the face of earth"Aman Mathur said as he sat,sipping his tea..

"No Aman. She was heavily pregnant. After the shoot out,she had drove the car and left. She must have gone to any hospital. Finding her is the only clue we have. To tackle the drug lord in his own game. Ask Myra to check all the hospitals in the vincity. But I want to know. Where is she"said Arnav as he walked inside the building..

AR Designs. The small design company he had started from bottom. Now the most prominent and promising fashion house of India.

He walked upstairs and sighed. Another day of work.

"NK. Meet me in five"he said and put down the receiver.

Nikhil Khurrana. His PA..

"Sir"NK called out as he got inside..

Keeping the cup of coffee, Black on the table he sat.

Arnav loosened his tie and opened the bottons of his wrist and sat down. Work to do man. And both discussed the day. He looked at the packed schedule for the day and sighed. The day life was like that. But night life was even more.

It was four and he ran. To pick up his dad. Mr Avinash Singh Raizada,the Shrewd businessman and owner of R industry.

"Hii Dad. "Arnav greeted his father and hugged him tight. After their mother's demise. This man had soften like butter. They had not known,he had so much love inside.

Now. He felt like home. Smelt like home.

"How are you dear?"Avinash Singh Raizada asked as they walked back.

Arnav talked about things. It was good to have someone always. His father was that in life.

Both stood infornt of their favourite cafe and ordered their favourite black coffee to drink. And ate some sugar-free pastries.

Then packing some for Anjali and Rahul,they drove back. It was a regular day of Raizadas..

Arnav looked at the sky. How beautiful this dream was. Family. His sister,his brother in law and best friend. And father. But was it?

He recalled the day he lost his mother. And his soul shivered. He could never forget her eyes. When he had stood holding her hands..

"You must protect them... You must.."Ratna had wishpered again and again as he stood there. Anjali and Rahul were on a trip abroad. His father was also rushing back. Ratna had a heart attack. HP had taken her to hospital and Arnav had reached.

But after telling him,she had closed her eyes.

He had stood rooted.. As his father rushed in. He was like a stone. He followed her body back home. Waited for Anjali and Rahul to reach. Then finished the rites. But it was ringing. The scene. Why it was so familiar? Who must he protect? How did his mother know? The secret he did not tell anyone. How did she know? No. It was impossible.

He had tested his father,his sister and everyone else. But he was sure. They knew nothing. Then what? Was there a risk on his family? But there was none. He had already eliminated all the risks. But then what?

And why was it so strange. Like she was not looking at her son. But a servant? What was that. He could not understand.

He was not able to sleep. Haunted by nightmares again and again. It was like he was standing at a gate. In a whirl. As flashes continued..

Soon,some things were becoming clear. But he could not figure it out. All of it. But he had few clues..

And it required him to go to some places.

He was getting ready to step inside. To see. What was there stored in the ancient temple he saw in dreams.

But surprisingly the case he was dealing with also indicated the same place. The wife of the Mafia Rufiq had disappeared there. Was there a connection there? He wondered. But he let it rest. As he slept..

But woke up. His back was itching. A particular spot was paining a lot. Like a hot iron was imbedded in it. He opened his tshirt. There was nothing. But a patch was red. He gulped..

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