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"ASR. This is all about Kiara Singhania that we could find"Aman said as he handed the documents to Arnav.

Arnav nodded and opened the files. It had basics of Singhanias and the achievements of Kiara. A generous soul. Kind, compassionate. Helping. Graceful dancer. Bigshot in the world of charity..

Arnav sat,leaning on his chair as a small smirk adorned his lips. Charity?

What a great charity..

Still he closed the file and turned the laptop towards Aman. Aman looked at him wondering. Arnav just smiled his trademark loopside smile and nodded. Go ahead..

Aman pulled the laptop close and began reading it. And the more he read,the more sweaty his palms were. He was getting chills. What he read left him in edges. Of anger and of fear. If such persons are actually led open for long. What would the world be?

Arnav got up and walked towards the window that touched the ceiling. He stood looking at the bustling crowd that moved. The cars,buses,the bikes,the pedestrians. The dogs,the cats. The cows. Life. It is wonderful. But to keep this safe. How much effort,how much sacrifices are needed..

"ASR. What should we do now? How to deal with it?"Aman asked,after few minutes. It took him a few minutes to breathe..

"Right now. All we can do is wait. Wait for the fish to take the bait. Then we would plan the rest"said Arnav as he stood,watching the fading crowd. Evening was there.

"Bait?ASR. What is the bait?"Aman asked in wonder. There was nothing to bait..

Arnav pointed at himself. He was the bait. Kiara Singhania wanted to destroy Arnav Singh Raizada. Why? Was it just petty ego? Or the hatred seething from ages? Or it was something more?

Arnav had no time to wonder about all that. All he knew. She had to be stopped. Be it in good way or bad. Kiara Singhania had to stop. And he was willing to do anything to stop her.

"Aman. I had another encounter with her. During my college days. She was barely a teen then. And wanted to ask me out. I had rejected it bluntly saying she needed few more years to decide. To grow up. Now she has grown up. And now finally she is showing her claws. Should I not start to move?"he asked.

Aman sat pondering. Was it a right move? She was a dangerous woman. Who liked to play with lives. Was it right to make such a dangerous move?

But he knew. Arnav was not just Arnav. At times. With bigger identity comes bigger responsibility. He had to bear it. And come out of it safe and sound. But how.

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