[𝟷𝟻]: 𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚎𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎

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The artic wolf blew the freezing wind from his lungs forward to freeze Orion but as the gust disappears, Orion was nowhere to be seen.

"Fuck! Where-"

"Above Us!"

Arthman bawled, his orbiter eyes spins faster with his fury visible on his eyes.
And the information is perfect, Orion was drifting upright with a... flashbang? Howl stepped forward with his bead of blood ready to be fired from the tip of his finger.

BOOM—The blood bullet was fired upward, crushing the surface's road along the ruin of building as it falls down. Just as the smokes of dust from the ruin covered Orion, a flashbang was thrown and—BANG!

A screeching sound rings on their ears as the flashbang explodes, blinding them all except Arthman.

Arthman's orbiter eyes quickly adapt to the bright light before he sees Orion coming from the side, his brows furrows down before charging his fist forward.

THUMP—His fist was blocked by Orion's arm, the tiger's furious eyes met with the white wolf in front of him.

"Too slow."
Orion speak shortly before whipping out a knife from the pocket of his vest, he flex out the blade that unfolds with it moving to thrust Arthman's stomach but—KSSSHHH—a freezing gust was blown towards them, Orion's eyes widen before the booster on his shoes pad push him up from the freezing wind.

The attack did not stop, Howl's blood spear arced up towards Orion and impaled it way through his chest and locked him as the spear was stabbed into the wall. Strange... No blood was bursting out of his wound, instead it was a weird white substance that made it out from his body.

"Mark! Take care of Arlian! Or whatever that wolf was called."
Howl bawled with his blood flowing out to form a sharp blade, Mark nods with his hand picking up Arlian onto safer place.

SWISH—Howl's foot pushed himself to leap through the air, in a swift motion he swings his blade onto Orion's neck and he successfully cut through the soft body of Orion.

"Huh? That's it?"
Howl mutters, looking back at Orion as he land onto the ground, the other also shares the same suspicion as Howl.

A second or two have passed and Orion's body move, his hand flies to pull the spear that was thrusting him.

As the spear was pulled out of his body, he fell down and managed to land on the ground perfectly and then followed by his decapitated hitting the floor and then splashed into the same white substance that seemed to replace Orion's blood.

A bunch of white substance burst and flows out of his open neck, it turned solid before bits by bits, it formed another head.

Everyone was shocked to see the new but same head reformed by that white substance, Orion calmly stepped forward to pick his respirator which was lying on the puddle of white substance.

"Fast, and he is able to heal quickly... We can't beat him with only the three of us."
The artic wolf stated, his eyes looking all over Orion's body in search for his visible weakness, he can't see the weakness.

Well, it seems he must call for him.

The wolf roared out those word as it echoes through the sky while the other stared at him in confusion, especially Howl and Mark.

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