Chapter 4

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It's not easy at first. In the morning of the next day, Chawarin wakes up fussy and disorientated, and starts to look for something frantically before he remembers that he's been in his own bed. It takes some extra cuddles from his Papa and his big brown teddy bear clad in the red T-shirt from Pruk to calm him down. He refuses to release his hold on the bear even when brushing his teeth and using potty. His Papa has to promise him that he will keep an eye on the bear when Chawarin is in kindergarten.

Then comes the breakfast time. His Mama is pottering around the kitchen when Chawarin comes downstairs and stands near the kitchen table with his Paw Patrol backpack already on.

"Do you want an omelet, sweetie? Or maybe some porridge?" asks Apple Perdpiriyawong, while giving Chawarin's older brother, Tee, his favorite omelet with fruits for breakfast.

"Mai ao."

His Mama stops in her tracks and blinks at her son. Chawarin has never refused food before. NEVER. He just stands there, looking determined.

"No? You don't want to eat porridge?" she says shocked.

"Mai." Chawarin folds his chubby arms over his chest. "Mai, mai, mai. Wanna go."

"Where do you want to go, honey?" she asks, crouching down next to him.

"To kinde-kindew'-kindew'gaw't!" Chawarin stomps his feet impatiently, clearly frustrated with his inability to pronounce such a difficult word. "Mama, let's go, huww'y! PukPuk must waits fow' me!"

His Mama laughs under her breath, relieved.

"I have no doubt, baby, but I'm also sure that Pruk has already eaten his breakfast. You know what, I'll tell you a secret. That's one of the reasons he's that tall." His Mama raises her hand somewhere about 120 centimeters above the ground, which is much, much higher that Chawarin's own 97 centimeters. "He's eating breakfast every day, just like Tee, to be tall and strong. And surely you want to be a big boy like Pruk and your brother, hmm?"

Chawarin makes eyes big as saucers and opens his mouth adorably.

"W'eally? I can be big like PukPuk?" he asks with excitement and practically flings himself on his orange chair. "Okay, mama, Imma eat paw'-w'idge kwicky, and we can go-go."

Tee snorts into his tea and Mrs. Apple just shakes her head fondly before taking out a pot.

On the other side of the neighborhood, Pruk is still debating whether to forgive his Mama or not for not letting Rin stay with them. He's missing him very much, even more than he misses Joss.

He makes a big tantrum when he wakes up early in the morning and notices that Chawarin is nowhere to be seen. He puts the whole house on alert with his shouting and checking room after room.

His sisters come out from their bedrooms to the hallway, half asleep and confused.

"Pruk, what happened? Why are you screaming so loud?" asks his eleven-year-old sister Mimi as she tries to stop him.

Jenna, his fourteen-year-old, recently presented Alpha sister, leans against the door frame with annoyed look on her face.

"He apparently found his 'mate'" she says, using air quotes, "and now it seems he already lost him."

Mimi squeals but quickly covers her mouth.

"His mate?" she replies shocked. "Really? But he's so little!"

Pruk's lower lip begins to tremble.

"I wanna Rin, w-where is Rin?" he sobs, his voice breaking as he looks at Mimi with big fat tears in his eyes.

Kindergarten AU (ZeeNuNew FF)Where stories live. Discover now