Chapter 7

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"Mama, why are we here? Can't we go for ice creams?" whines Pruk, as he, Rin, and their mothers sit in the waiting room of a fancy old building. It feels like they've been waiting for an hour, but in reality, it's only been fifteen minutes. Their moms make them sit still and don't disturb other people, and they are sooo bored.

"Yes, Mama, ice cw'eams, please!" Chawarin chimes in, bouncing on his mom's lap.

"Chawarin, calm down," his Mama scolds him. "If you behave nicely, then we'll go for ice cream."

"Soww'y, Mama..." the boy says in a thin voice.

Pruk is about to comfort him upon sensing his distress, but at this moment, an old lady with dark hair appears at the doorway and looks around until her gaze rests on the boys.

"Panich and Perdpiriyawong?"

"That's us," Pruk's Mama says as she takes her son's hand. Mrs. Perdpiriyawong gets up with Chawarin in her arms, and they all enter the office.

It's a spacious, sun-kissed room with two large sofas, an armchair, some peculiar instruments, and paintings, mainly featuring two strange symbols. In the corner there's a small table with crayons and coloring books.

Chawarin glances around curiously. He still doesn't know why his mom took him there, but he guesses it must have something to do with the pain he felt when PukPuk broke his arm.

"Please, sit," the lady says and waits until the four of them settle on sofas. "I'm Dr. Ya, and it's very nice to meet you" she greets, speaking mainly to the boys, and takes a sit in the armchair.

"Hello, Dr. Ya" Pruk politely replies. Chawarin just sticks his fist in his mouth and hides in his mother's side.

Dr. Ya smiles kindly. "Boys, how about I talk to your parents first, and you can play at the table? Go ahead, you can use everything," she encourages.

Pruk looks at his mom, and when she nods her head, he takes Chawarin's hand and leads him to the table indicated by the lady. Only when they start to color in, completely engrossed in their talk and task, does the doctor turn to both mothers.

"So, how can I help you?"

Mrs. Panich speaks first. "Well, you see, we believe our sons are... true mates. They imprinted on each other instantly after meeting for the first time. I... Pruk is only six years old. And Chawarin's just four. The principal of the boy's kindergarten thinks that my son may be an Alpha and Chawarin an Omega. They exhibit some behaviors typical for mated pairs."

"Yes," adds Mrs. Perdpiriyawong. "They can't be parted for long. They get restless when they don't see each other for more than several hours. If it's two days, it's constant crying, and... it's so heartbreaking to see my baby hurting, you know?" Chawarin's mother sniffs her nose. "And two weeks ago, Pruk broke his arm, and Rin felt his pain as his own, even though they were kilometers apart."

"And that's why we want to consult with you about their case, if they are really mates, what it entails and what we can do for them."

Dr. Ya notes something in her notebook and then casts a glance at the boys who are giggling with their heads pressed close. "It's a very delicate matter, especially at such a tender age, when their brains and bodies are still developing. Usually, true mates don't recognize each other until after they present as Alpha or Omega. Sometimes children exhibit certain traits that may indicate their secondary gender, like aggression when their true mate is in danger or nesting habits. And them imprinting on each other now doesn't automatically mean that they must be an Alpha/Omega pair. As a matter of fact, one of them may present as a Beta, or they both may be Alphas or Omegas, there is no rule for that."

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