Chapter 8

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Tomorrow is a big day, probably one of the most important days of a whole year. Pruk has been preparing for it for almost a week. Now, he's sitting with his Mama in their living room, putting finishing touches on the surprise.

Tomorrow is Rin's fifth birthday.

And it's really big, because Rinnie will finally be only one year younger than him, not two. It doesn't matter that only for a month and a half – that's just a little detail. Sometimes Pruk wishes they were born in the same year so they could be in one group together. In a few months he'll start primary school, while Rin will still be in kindergarten. He doesn't even want to think about it; he already knows it will be hard for both of them.

But first, the big day. Chawarin invited his friends to his birthday party, and all of his family will be there, so of course, Pruk worries. He worries that they won't like him, even though he is Rinnie's soulmate. His mama explained to him what a soulmate is, so he knows he's Chawarin's special person. He doesn't miss a single chance to tell that to anyone who's willing to listen, and even to those who aren't. However, Rin's grandparents will be there, along with uncles, aunties, and numerous cousins. He wants to make himself look good.

"Mama," he says, tugging on his mother's sleeve. "What if they don't like me? What if I do something wrong and Rinnie won't want to play with me anymore?" He gasps and makes wide eyes. "And what if he won't want to be my soulmate anymore?" he finishes with panic in his voice and a wobble in his lower lip. Not being Nhu's soulmate seems like the worst thing ever.

"Sweetie, I'm sure they'll absolutely adore you," she assures him, caressing his face. "And I know for a fact that Chawarin wants to be your soulmate no matter what, just how you want to be his, am I right?"

Pruk eagerly nods his head.

"So let's finish this one and go to sleep, hmm? You need your rest to have strength for tomorrow"

"Okie, Mama" he says dutifully.

Suffice it to say that he can't fall asleep for nearly half the night.

Chawarin is super-duper excited. Today is his birthday and when someone asks him how old he is, he can finally show all his fingers of one hand. He can't wait to turn ten, so he could proudly raise both of his hands.

His Mama prepared lots of food and his Papa along with Tee decorated the house with pink balloons, streamers and a banner with big Fluttering into 5 with Chawarin's Butterfly Birthday Party! Colorful paper butterflies hung from curtains and chandeliers, making the room look like straight from fairytale.

He really loves butterflies, so he chose them as his birthday theme. He even has a costume; soft, white trousers, pink silky blouse with striped sleeveless sweater, and delicate meshy wings. Mama helped him do his hair, so they look like antennae, completing his look. Every time he passes a mirror, he twirls and giggles to himself; he loves to look pretty and he hopes Pruk will like it too.

Speaking of which, Chawarin hopes that Pruk will be there soon. That's his special day, after all, he wants to spend it with his special person. The first guests, his grandparents, have already arrived and showered the birthday boy with kisses, hugs and presents.

Next is the rest of his family, then Nat, who dressed up as Tinkerbell, then Yim and James, both also with beautiful wings, Net, Tutor, Max and the rest of Chawarin's class. But still no Pruk. Rin receives piles of presents and wishes, but can't help himself from looking at the door all the time.

Adults are laughing and talking among themselves and his friends are busy with soap bubbles and snacks. When another ten minutes pass and the door remains closed, his throat starts to sting, and he tries to hold back sobs. When no one's looking at him, he runs to his room and slams the door shut. With hot tears streaming down his cheeks, he hides his face in a pillow and cries.

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