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"Wakey wakey blyke"

I can't believe it's our second anniversary already! Two years of our love. I yank the blanket off of blyke. He is in his dark blue tee shirt, and his green shorts. His right hand is plunged in his shorts, while his left hand is over his head, and his face has drool streaks going down the right side, while his legs are facing the left. His hair looks a hot mess, and he has bags under his eyes like he didn't get much sleep.

Damn, he looks rough. I get up and tuck him back in. I go to the bathroom and freshen up a little... I come out of the bathroom, and head to the kitchen where I get cooking.

Sunnyside up eggs, on avocado toast with breakfast sausage and hash browns. I bring the tray near our bed, and lightly tap blyke a few times.
"Hey, wake up babe!"

Blyke groans and opens his eyes. "Morning babe! Happy Anniversary!"
I capture a photo of him and tuck my phone back in my pocket.

"Hey morning Isen" he mutter rolling back under covers. "Oh yeah, and happy anniversary..." He muttered.

"Hey, I made food! Get up blyke!" I shake him till he gets up.

"Damn you Isen... Why won't you let me sleep" He say scratching his hair.

"Eat up!" I say placing a plate in his hands.

"Thanks ' babe ' " he says sarcastically.

He's only ever called me Isen... But I've got a small variety of names for him.

"Mmm, Anniversarys are the best" he says placing his empty plate back on the tray"

I feel so warm inside. Blyke has me wrapped so tightly around his finger...I would split into one million and one pieces for his sake. He holds a very special place in my heart. I can't believe he's mine. And for two years now! I scratch my head. Why the hell would I do that? I look down and realize that I've placed our dishes under the cabinet. "Hey look man, if you didn't feel like putting those dishes away, I could've done it for you" Blyke judgmentaly said looking at me stuff dirty dishes under the cabinet.

"Uh, no thanks babe it's your day off"

I take the dishes from the cabinet and put them in the sink. "Hey, Isen. There's some place I'd like to show you today." I crash down on bed beside him.
"Really...? Hmm, where is that? When should we leave out?"

"Erm, we can start getting ready now. And I can't tell you where it is yet." He says. He kisses my cheek and heads to the bathroom.

"Go get ready Isen" he shoved the clothes in my arms. I drop down my shorts and put on my jeans. And take off my shirt. It's freezing cold in here! Blyke puts a shirt over his head. This is gonna be fun! Blyke doesn't usially like surprises.

Were both ready. Standing at the door. Blyke is in a red shirt labeled 'ketchup' and I'm in mine, 'mustard'.

Lol I know it's cringe just bare with me here (⁠⊙⁠_⁠◎⁠) Cringey anniversary gifts;;; if you read my smut story you may get it better...

We came out the door, locked it, and started walking. "Um, Blyke... Where are we going?" I peep. "That, is a surprise that your not allowed to know" he says wagging his finger at me. Damn, it's so sexy when he points at me like that. I reflect to all of the times we've done it in his dorm. I quit thinking of all those times, and place my hand over my face. I'm sure right now I look like a hungry pervert.

I loop my arm over his shoulder. "Hey, if it's alright with you, I would like to make a stop before we go to this special place"

... To be continued...

blysen Day-by-day {blyke and Isen UnOrdinary ship}Where stories live. Discover now