Chapter two 🤍

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We were walking through the town streets trying to stay as quiet and discrete as we could. Both my father and I were covered with black riding cloaks which were quite popular in this town at the moment. It was lucky that they were, as they covered us enough that nobody would be able to recognise us. My porcelain skin stood out of course, everyone in Greece had an olive skin tone and I hated the fact that I was different. My mother too had porcelain skin whilst my dad had an olive skin tone. My mother had died when I was six years old. It was heart breaking for both my dad and I. People said that the only thing keeping him sane and happy was her. As soon as she died that's when my father became how he was today. Greedy, cold, and heartless. I had hoped so much that he would leave me be and let me be a normal citizen of the Greece empire, but I was wrong.

Today was my first mission. My father wanted to kill everyone in Francis Yatton's bloodline and today was a family of six. Six murders you say? Yep, my father didn't care how many people he had to kill to get his goal, he just wanted revenge for his wife's death. I got where he was coming from, but the way he was doing it not so much. Normally you would just grief the death of your wife, but no, my father had to kill the whole bloodline of his enemy.

I hated the fact that he was going to make me a killer. I also hated the fact that I would have to be on the run. I had no choice to follow him, I mean I didn't want to get killed either. We finally made it to the town centre where all the markets were. My father grabbed my arm and hauled me into one of the alley ways.

"Right," he said," we need to go into one of the house's right in the view of everyone. We need to make sure that nobody is looking. Once we get into the house, we strangle the bodies to make sure they don't scream, and then we cut their throats. Got it?"

I nodded and we walked out of the alley way. We looked quickly around to make sure that nobody was looking. We had to walk around the house for fifteen minutes until we were absolutely sure that nobody was looking. The door was easy to open, and we slipped in the house nice and quietly. My father peeked into one of the rooms and pointed to it for me.

"There all in there!" he mouthed to me. I nodded and we stormed into the room. So much for discrete!

"Hello?" the mother of the household asked us. I looked around the room. The family consisted of four children and the mother. There was one missing. I exchanged a look with my father.

"Where's the other one?" my father growled.

"What other one?" the mother replied, her eyes widening.
"Tell me where your husband is, now!" he shouted.

"He is working in the markets." The women replied, her face turning pale.

"Which stall?"

"He's the mayor!" she replied.
"Oh really? Do you think I'm stupid or something?"

The children stared in horror at us both.

"Please don't hurt us!" the youngest girl cried. She looked around four years old.

"Shut up you insolent child!" my father spat at the girl. His eyebrows were furrowed in anger, that the child dare speak to him. I tried not to cover my face in embarrassment as the child glared back at him.

"Why don't you shut up mister, this is our home!" she shouted, standing in front of her mother who stroked the child's hair in a way to calm her down.

"What is it that you require?" the mother asked us.

"Your death!" my father replied, and I tried hard not to cringe at his words," see, your children's great grandfather killed my wife, and I promised him when I stabbed my knife into his weak and puny heart that I would kill each and every last part of his bloodline, and I have so far! Except for you!"

"Do you really have any idea what you are up against?" the mother replied, looking at my father smugly. My father laughed at her, soon face turning red as he howled in laughter. That's when I heard the metallic ring of a sword being drawn. I turned around and behind me was a teenage girl. She had long, red hair that reached just above her hips. It was tied up in a plait, with small gems attached to it. She was wearing leather armour and in her hands was a very sharp sword, one swing perfectly timed and your head would be off your neck in just a second. My father turned around confused and was met with the sight.

"You? You're really going to fight me?" my father grinned at her in a mockable manner. He was sexist, he was never like this before my mother died, but as I said; he was stone cold and heartless. The girl smirked at him.

"Sure am!" she swung at him, and her sword latched firmly into hiswaist. Blood gushed out and dripped down his legs. My father looked in horrorat his leg but not before swinging back at her. Whilst they were busy fighting,I discreetly motioned for the family to sneak out of the house, and theyfollowed my orders but not before guilty looking back at their last familymember. I joined the battle and secretly helped the girl to knock the sword outof my father's hand. I hit her hand with the sword drawing a cut, so my fatherwouldn't et suspicious. She kicked his nose as he bent down to get his swordback and I heard a large crack as his nose broke. I saw even more blood rushout of my father as the girl ran past, I made it seem like I was running afterher and she caught on. I ran as fast as I could, but she was too 'fast'. Irushed into the house and my father was gone. I looked around and theneverything went black

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