Chapter 11 Ace

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"Ace your head wasn't the practices earlier. "I hope you can get it together before the game tonight",Ethan said. I fine just having a off day", I said. "Well your our best center we have",Ethan said."Don't worry I'll have it together before the game", I said. I hope I am not even sure what is going with me. "Is something bothering you", Ethan said. "I am good don't worry about me",I said.What the hell is happening to me I feel like I am losing it. 

"You guys just got your asses handed to you ",the coach yelled. "We lost the game no thanks to you Ace some of", the guys say. "Yea you said that you would have it altogether by game time", Ethan said." Sorry guys that I was having a bad game"I said." "You better get a handle on it",Ethan said. Funny part is if Ethan knew what I know he would be having a off day too.

My mind keeps wondering to Abby and the baby as we get a uber to to go back to the hotel. Ethan is quiet in the car back he hasn't said anything to me after the game. I am thinking that I should text Abby and see how she doing but before I can my phone dings with a text. I look at my phone to see who it is. My lips smirk up as I look at the phone its her.

"Hey what happened out there you suck tonight".Abby texted.

"What do you think".I said.

"You got distracted by a pretty girl and soon to be mom",she said.

"Maybe..",I texted

Ace you shouldn't be worry about me or the baby we're not your problem",she texted

"Abby how can you say that", I texted

"Well If you keep worrying about me then it going to continue to affect your game and I don't want to be the reason you are losing. You worked really hard to get there and I don't want me to be the reason for you losing your dream",she texted

"Abby we are going to talk about this when I get back",I texted.

"What is there to talk about Ace",She texted.

"I have something that I want to say  but in person not in a text", I texted.

As I put my phone down I tell Ethan that I am  jumping in the shower. Ethan still hasn't said anything yet he just nods. I am in the shower and my mind starts to daydream about Abby and how it would feel if she was in here with me. The stuff I would like to do to her if she was with me. Wait what was that? I can't be thinking like this. It is making me feel things that I haven't ever felt with a girl before. So am I just kidding myself about this being a physical attraction? Now she is pregnant with someone else kid and I still  can't stop thinking about her and how I want to be there for her. Holy crap I think I am in love with her.

If her brother finds out that I knew that she was pregnant and didn't tell him, he is going to kill me and Kaden. As I lay down all I can think about is what it would be like to have a family not with just anyone but with Abby and her baby. I know that baby isn't mine but I could still raise it as mine.  I could go to the doctor's appointment and even teach it how to play hockey so it is a baby.

When we get back home I text Abby and ask her where she wants to meet. She texted back we could meet at the sub shop down the road from me I am hungry. I texted back ok meet you in about ten minutes. I hurry and get dressed I am out the door. On my way, I keep thinking about what I am going to say to her or how I am going to tell her I like her.

When I get to the sub shop I pick a seat she isn't here yet. I order a soda and some appetizer for her and me. As she walks in I wave her over to where I saved us a table.  I stand and grab the chair to help her sit. "How are you feeling", I said. "I am feeling alright", she said. "I asked you here to tell you something that has been on my mind. Abby I don't want you to raise the baby by yourself. I am more than willing to help you", I said. "What that is crazy you don't even know what you are saying right now", she said. "Why don't I know what I'm talking about" I said
"It would put your career on the line and you worked too hard for that plus it's not your problem," Abby said.
"Well I don't want you to handle this on your own and I want to help you". I said. "Well, Ace you don't get to decide for me"., she said. "Abby I am not trying to decide you ". I said. "Ace I don't want you to start to resent me later on or the baby that isn't even yours," she said.

Abby I would never I thought about this long and hard. I could see this working ." I said. Ace how could you see this working there are doctor appointments and late-night feeding let's not forget those diaper changes. And we aren't even dating or have feelings for each other."She said. "How can you say that we had that kiss a few weeks ago and I am not going to lie I felt something so you can't tell me that u didn't feel it to". I said

"I don't know what you mean? Even if I did it still not your problem Ace Winterfeild" She said

Her saying that shock me cause she never use my full name...


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