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I woke up to discover Charles wasn't laying next me but a note was

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I woke up to discover Charles wasn't laying next me but a note was.

'My Manager needed to meet with me but I'm coming back with breakfast - CL'

I smiled and heading back to sleep but was woken up by someone knocking abruptly on the hotel door.

I quickly got up and wrapped the hotel Robe around myself before opening the door to see Charles with a box of different flavour Croissants inside.

"The bakery women was asking alot of questions about what Croissant I Want.. I said plain but she got even more confused so I got everything." He says scratching his neck smiling softly.

"It's perfect Amore mio." I say gently kissing his cheek.

The next few days were bless. My father apologised and understood that I wanted to get away for a little bit. I was happy then I woke up and felt violently sick.

I ran over to the bathroom and threw up. Charles woke up and held my hair. He sat with me for about 30 minutes stroking my back and holding my hair away from my face.

"I mean I did say to get the pasta to be safe..." Charles tries to joke but I just glance him a glare. "Okay bad time. Understood."

I lightly chuckled leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Sorry you have to take care of me.." I mutter.

"Never apologise for something you can't help. Plus what else are rich handsome boyfriends for?" He whispers into my ear brushing his lips along my neck.

This lasts about 4 days. I start to get worried. So naturally I went to see the doctor. I didn't tell Charles I was at the doctors as I didn't want him to worry but I wish I did.

The doctor asked me to sit down.

"I have some news Miss Moretti! Very exciting news." My doctor said handing me a piece of paper.

I looked at the words written in ink. My heart sank. I wasn't ready. I took a deep breath and nodded smiling at the doctor. I was happy.

I wasn't sure what to do but I knew telling Charles had to be special. The child Charles always tells me about, he will finally have.

I want him to be the 1st person who knows. Not my father or anyone else. Him.

In my head I write down ideas and Scenarios but nothing as good as I want. I remember Charles saying how close he was with his Manager and how she knows A lot and helps him plan things.

I grab my phone out of my pocket and phone her. I have her number saved since Charles always forgets to charge his phone.

After a conversation, she tells me to go meet her at a cafe around 30 minutes from Monaco. I questioned her but she just explained it was 'easier for her' which I just came to accept.

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