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I woke up to the sound of laughter and giggles coming from the Kitchen

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I woke up to the sound of laughter and giggles coming from the Kitchen.

I stepped out of my bed and placed my feet into the slippers next to me bed. I wrapped my dressing gown around myself and looked at the sight in front of me.

There was pancake mix on the ceiling, walls, windows and any sort of area it could possibly be.

"Buongiorno mamma! Sto facendo dei pancake!" Jules shouts running over to me with pancake batter hands.
'Morning mummy! I'm making pancakes!'

"Jules ti amo ma per favore non toccarmi senza lavarti le mani." I replied pointing to the sink.
'Jules I love you but please don't touch me without washing your hands.'

As jules began washing his hands, Antonio walked into the room. As he was about to say something, he looked at the ceiling and turned back around and walked the way he came.

Jules had washed his hands a came up and hugged me wrapping his arms around my neck and I picked him up and placed him on the clean part of the counter.

"Jules, our cleaner will take care of this but when we go out today I want you to choose a thank you present for cleaning up the mess you made okay?" I explained tucking his shaggy hair behind his ear.

"Sì mamma!" Jules replied before jumping down and running into his room.

After a very long painful wait, Jules was finally ready and was dressed head to toe in Redbull merch that Max had kindly shipped to our hotel room. Antonio wore his old merch while I wore a redbull jacket and a cropped team shirt that i knew max put in there on purpose.

Once we walked to the paddock, Max was the first to greet us and went straight to hug Jules and picked him up and showed him around the garage. Me and Antonio followed behind and I watched as Jules' eyes lit up. Max sent Jules to play with one of the engineers who showed him the ropes.

Antonio kept an eye on Jules and Max took me to his drivers room where he started to get ready for the race.

"I'm so confused. Charles just wrote a letter leaving you?!" Max exclaimed.

"Yeah and I didn't want me and him to only be together because of Jules so started a new life in Italy not telling him." I sighed telling my tragic story that was my life.

"He definitely kept that girl hidden. I didn't know he even looked at another woman after you left all those years ago. We all thought you left him for someone! Then when I saw Antonio I assumed Jules was Antonio's child." Max replied wrapping with suit around his waist.

"One day I'll tell Jules who his father is but I'm certain I don't want Charles to know. I don't want him back in my life again." I explained opening the door as max got ready and began climbing in the car.

"Make sure Jules' cheers for me Ari." Max says holding his hand out for me for hold.

I nod and begin to walk back to where Jules and Antonio were sat. Jules was cheering for max and secretly cheering for Charles. I wouldn't help but Stare at the Leclerc Name on the side of the TV.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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