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Today I woke up earlier than usual

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Today I woke up earlier than usual. The address of my late father's house was sent to me last night which leads me to go and see what his girlfriend has to say for herself.

I get myself ready for the day and wear a white silk blouse with a cream skirt paired with a black belt and high heels.

I call a cab for me yet nothing arrives for around 30 minutes. Must be a busy day today. As I walk out of the hotel that's when I remember. It's the week leading up to the GP. It's going to be busy.

I reach the address and greeted by a woman no older than 50. I stood amazed. Perhaps my father had liked someone more his own age for once.

"Dear, you must be Aurora. Your father has told me rather much about you. Please come sit." The sophisticated woman spoke.

"Nice to meet you Rose. That is your name correct?" I reply fascinated with her character.

The women held her grace and had her lawyer come round to discuss my father's will and all his belongings.

"Aurora I want to make it clear to you that I do not want your father's money. All I ask is that we keep in contact." She told me placing her hands on top of mine.

"I'd love that. I'm sure my father would have loved that." I reply weakly smiling.

40% of my fathers wealth would be donated to charity. 20% would be given to Rose. 30% would be given to me and 10% would be placed in a fund that everyone would add to for Jules when he gets older.

Once everything was sorted. Rose hugged me. Considering I had not met this woman so long ago I had a feeling she wasn't like all the others. She was kind. Had a wonderful heart.

"Rose. This is where I'm staying. I'd love for us to meet again. Also I'd love for you to meet my son, Jules." I say smiling writing down the hotel name.

"I'd absolutely love that Aurora. I'll see you soon." She replied smiling.

I headed back to the hotel and began texting Antonio. Getting caught in the middle of texting I wasn't aware of my surroundings and accidentally bumped into someone dropping my phone. Curse Monaco for being a small place.

"Je suis vraiment désolée." A familiar voice spoke softly

"Oh, c'était de ma.. erm.. faute" I mutter looking up halfway through my sentence to see him.

My heart starts racing. My eyes grow wide. He was definitely in front of me right now. He begins to look up. His smile drops and his face changes completely.

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