Chapter seventeen: Odin

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"Oh my Ambrosia," I gasped breathlessly as my eyes took in the devastating sight before me. The once majestic kingdom of the earth clan lay in ruins, its once proud structures now reduced to almost completely rubble. The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke, and the crackling flames danced hungrily, devouring everything in their path. The vibrant plants, once a symbol of life and prosperity, now withered and charred, consumed by the merciless fire.

We all just stared in silence as we slowly got closer and closer. How could this happen? Where’s Briar and Ava? Where’s her mother? Many questions raced through my head as I tried to grasp the situation. We all then looked up trying to see the castle. It was barely visible behind the black smoke. In that moment our hearts dropped. It showed us that whoever did this used black magic.

Before we knew it the boat made it to the shore. We all jolted forward from the sudden stop. I’m extra grateful for Marina learning healing magic just for me. I let out a pained sigh.

It was a sore hurt, Ambrosia only knows how much worse it would have been if I wasn’t healed. She gets off first releasing her wings. “I’m going to find this bitch and save my son.” She turns to face us, her curly hair dancing in the wind. “Find Briar, her kingdom needs her.” Before we knew it she was gone.

We both take a deep breath before getting off the boat. We walked through the kingdom. This was more than just physical destruction, she ripped away the earth clan's identity, took away so many peoples homes.

Arden stayed on high alert as we ventured through. Keeping an eye out for the ghost, but also for any broken buildings to collapse. As we walk through I can’t help thinking back to what once was. The time when Briar and I were smaller and I had gotten lost. My parents panicked and they all went after me. Briar was the one who found me behind a barrel crying.

I look at Arden. Despite his focused expression I could still see a sadness in his eyes. We soon made it to the castle gates. Taking one last look at the ruins, I whispered a silent prayer for strength and guidance.

The path ahead would be arduous, but I was ready to face whatever challenges lay in my way. With a resolute heart, I set off, determined to uncover the truth and restore peace to this shattered land.

Arden grabs my hand as we very slowly and cautiously make our way into the castle. The eerie silence that enveloped the once bustling corridors only amplified the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air.

Not a single guard was in sight, only adding to the dread. The once glorious chandelier was now destroyed making it difficult to see. A chill ran down my spine. It was as if the very essence of the castle was holding back a secret.

We then made our way up the stairs, the air growing heavier with each passing step. We slowly walked down the hall until we made it to Briar’s room. The door, once solid and imposing, now bore the marks of violence, its wood splintered and cracked.

My heart sank at the sight, dread pooling within me. Arden's grip tightened, offering reassurance in the face of the unknown.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I pushed open the door, revealing a scene of devastation within. The room was now a twisted reflection of its former self.

Furniture lay overturned, shattered glass scattered across the floor, and the remnants of blackened spells etched into the walls. “What the hell happened here?” Arden asks as he lets go of my hand and walks in. I follow after him wondering the same thing.

As we stood in awe, the shattered mirror before us suddenly began to mend itself, piece by piece, until it was fixed. A soft, ethereal glow emanated from its surface, casting an otherworldly light in the room. And then, to our astonishment, figures began to emerge from within.

First Briar falls out, followed by Ava and a scruffy dog. They all hit the floor with a thump. I felt my heart leap with joy. I crouched down and hugged her. Briar hugs me back before we all stood and collected ourselves.

As we collected ourselves, Arden's voice broke through the silent reunion. "Made a friend on the way, I see," he remarked, a warm smile gracing his lips. The dog wagged his tail, his eyes filled with a mix of weariness and gratitude.

“This is Soup, he’s been with us since we were trapped in there.” Ava says. “Speaking of being trapped, where were you guys?” They spoke of the ghost that had broken into the kingdom. The ghost's demand to marry Briar had been met with fierce refusal, leading to their imprisonment in an alternate realm. It was there that they had faced various challenges working to rebuild the shattered mirror to make it back home.

Arden's voice carried a mix of concern and determination as he pieced together the puzzle. "So, that's what the ghost wanted all along: power," he mused, his eyes narrowing. The gravity of the situation was now clear, and the urgency to stop this monster grew stronger.

“What do we do now?” We all knew we had to stop her, to many people have suffered. In spite of all that, a glimmer of hope is inside me. I know that with all of us together we can, no, we will win.

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