(Y/n) ketchum the older brother of ash ketchum and the current champion of kanto is taking a year vacation in his journey after 7 years of travelling until arthur blackdeath gets him out of his vacation would he meet new friends? and old faces? but...
(Y/n) can be seen flying over pallet town and he lands
(Y/n):....home sweet home
(Y/n) sends put lucario and both of them walked in the front door of the house
(Y/n): ready bud?
Lucario: lucario!
(Y/n) knocks on the door and it opens revealing to be delia ketchum who has a shocked look on her face
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Delia ketchum
Delia: (Y/n)? Is that you sweetie?
(Y/n): hey mom....im home
Delia smiles and hugs (Y/n) which suprised him a bit but hugs her back amd they head to the couch and talk
Delia: look how grown you've become my baby boy has become a man!
(Y/n) stayed silent but on the inside he's embarrased
(Y/n): i know mom....how are you?
Delia: im doing fine thank you for asking, mr mime is always helping me on the house
(Y/n): thats a relief, can i check on my old room?
Delia: of course sweetie, you should be proud of ash after all he's done
(Y/n): i know and i already am
(Y/n) walks upstairs and opens the door to his shared room with ash and it was still the same except the trophies and he looks at a photo of him and ash then him and serena ten years ago
(Y/n): i hope she's doing well........i miss you serena, i want to see you again
(Y/n)'s rotom phone starts ringing and he sees arthur calling
Arthur: at least talk!
(Y/n): no......im at pallet town right now so what do you want
Arthur: did you meet ash?
(Y/n):......yeah i did is there a problem?
Arthur: no there's no problem its shocking since you dont interact much except your pokemon nonetheless your lucario
(Y/n): lucario has been by my side since i found him as a egg so its natural