Did Arthur set me up on a date just to fight me?

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(Y/n) is in Sinnoh after getting a call from Arthur to meet him at a Cafe in Sinnoh as he sighs.

(Y/n): Where is he? I swear if this is one of his pranks im gonna use Garchomp and Lucario on his ass.

(Y/n) was about to call Arthur until he hears a voice calling him.

???: (Y/n)?

(Y/n) turns around as he sees Cynthia herself.

(Y/n) turns around as he sees Cynthia herself

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Cynthia: What a Coincidence. Arthur called me here aswell, is he still not here?

(Y/n): Yeah...(That Brat set me up on a date with Cynthia, Well played.)

Meanwhile with Arthur

Arthur was currently on his Rotom phone as he snickers to himself.

Goh: Why are you snickering Arthur?

Ash: Yeah, its really unsettling.

Arthur: Sorry its nothing, *Chuckles* I may or may not have set your brother up on a date with Cynthia.

Ash: You did?

Arthur: Yep, I think he just called me a brat but probably my imagination.

Arthur keeps looking at his phone until he stops and narrows his eyes around him but shrugged it off.

Arthur: (Probably my imagination, theres no way i sensed someone from the future.....Nah im gonna send a clone at Sinnoh.)

Back with (Y/n) and Cynthia

(Y/n) and Cynthia are drinking coffee with her taking a slice of her chocolate cake as she eats it while getting some shocked stares from other people that Sinnoh's Champion and Kanto's Champion are together in one place.

(Y/n): You know, This is nice, except the stares.

Cynthia: It really is, Not a fan of being recognized?

(Y/n): You know im not a fan of being recognized, i usually just keep a low profile so they dont recognize me.....Yet they still do.

Cynthia: *Chuckles* I guess your not wrong.

(Y/n): But i guess, Arthur set us up on a date.

Cynthia: I guess so.

(Y/n) and Cynthia finish their coffee's and cake as (Y/n) was about to pay Cynthia insisted on paying but (Y/n) just decided to split the split the bill.

(Y/n): What do you want to do today?

Cynthia: Hmm, How about we have fun somewhere else?

(Y/n): Sure, Im alright with that.

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